
Who was Shobal in the Bible?

Man living at the time of Egypt and Wilderness

Shobal is a person mentioned in the Bible, specifically in 1 Chronicles 2:50. He was a man of the tribe of Judah who lived during the time of Egypt and the wilderness. Shobal was the son of Hur, and he had several brothers including Uri, Salma, Hareph, Jezreel, Ishma, Idbash, Hazzelelponi, Penuel, and Ezer. Shobal was also the father of Haroeh.

From a biblical perspective, the mention of Shobal in the Bible serves to highlight the genealogy and lineage of the tribe of Judah. The tribe of Judah was significant in biblical history as it was from this tribe that the Messiah, Jesus Christ, would eventually come. Each individual mentioned in the genealogy, including Shobal, played a part in the lineage that led to the birth of Jesus.

The genealogies in the Bible are important as they establish the historical and familial connections of various individuals and tribes. They also demonstrate God’s faithfulness in preserving the line through which the Savior of the world would come.

In studying the genealogy of Shobal and the tribe of Judah, we can see the intricate details and connections that God orchestrated throughout history to fulfill His ultimate plan of salvation for humanity through Jesus Christ.

It is essential to approach the study of genealogies in the Bible with reverence and attention to detail, recognizing the significance of each individual mentioned and their role in God’s overarching plan for redemption.

1. 1 Chronicles 2:50
2. 1 Chronicles 2:52
3. 1 Chronicles 4:1
4. 1 Chronicles 4:2

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