
Who was Shomer in the Bible?

Man living before Israel’s Monarchy

Shomer is a person mentioned in the Bible who lived before Israel’s monarchy. He is first mentioned in 1 Chronicles 7:32 as a man of the tribe of Asher. Shomer is described as the son of Heber, and the brother of Japhlet, Hotham, and Shua. He is also listed as the father of Ahi, Rohgah, Jehubbah, and Aram. It is noted that Shomer is also called Shemer in some translations (1 Chronicles 7:34).

From a biblical perspective, the significance of Shomer lies in his lineage as a member of the tribe of Asher, one of the twelve tribes of Israel. The tribe of Asher was blessed by Jacob in Genesis 49:20, and they played a role in the history of Israel.

Shomer’s inclusion in the genealogy recorded in 1 Chronicles highlights the importance of lineage and heritage in the biblical narrative. The genealogies in the Bible serve to trace the ancestry of key figures and to establish connections between individuals and historical events.

While Shomer himself may not have played a prominent role in biblical history, his mention in the genealogy underscores the meticulous recording of family lines in the Old Testament. This attention to detail reflects the biblical emphasis on continuity, inheritance, and the faithfulness of God to His covenant people.

In conclusion, Shomer is a figure from the tribe of Asher who lived before Israel’s monarchy, as recorded in the book of 1 Chronicles. His place in the genealogy serves to reinforce the biblical themes of lineage, heritage, and the divine plan unfolding through the history of Israel.

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