see scripture with
in the world’s first Video Bible
We’re on a mission to create audio + Illustrations of the entire Bible to help spread the Gospel to the ends of the Earth.
Want to join us?
“I don’t believe in God, but I find it easier to watch the Bible. I find myself wanting to believe in God.” -Kelly R.
Creating waves of hope for those desperate to have it
With humble tears…thank you! The Video Bible is perfectly timed. The world needs it more than ever!
-Judi P.
There is something about being able to “watch and read” that is truly life altering and feeds my soul.
– Adriana G.
I love the Video Bible because it helps me engage with the Scripture with all 5 senses. It helps me to experience Jesus in new ways.
-Mark G.
The Video Bible brings my imagination to life. It has me meditating on God like never before.
– William D.
A new way to experience the gospel
We’re built for daily connection to God, but everything on Earth tries to block our access.
Our intense pace of life, the whispers of our Enemy, broken relationships, and our flesh all stand in the way of a real, relational walk with God.
We exist to help a digital generation more easily interact with Scripture through the world’s first Video Bible.
With verse-by-verse commentaries and a Bible dictionary, we help anyone better understand Scripture without needing a theologian to translate.
Using technology to spread God’s truth, rather than distract from it.
A Story Only God Can Write
The Apostle James tells us we should consider trials pure joy – which sounds totally upside down. But it’s in moments of struggle that we get to encounter God.
For me, it was in a hospital room while bacterial meningitis was attacking my brain. I should have died, but in a grace-filled moment, God saved my life in more ways than one.
VideoBible came as a prompting from the Spirit shortly after my release. It’s a story only God can write.
He’s opened doors I never thought would open. He has hardened hearts. I’ve been called crazy. I’ve been praised.
And it’s a story that is still being written …
The goal of this crowd-funded ministry is to give everyone radical access to Jesus. We’re doing this for the forgotten and marginalized. But we’re also doing it for you and me…our loved ones, and our enemies.
See the Spirit move by joining the journey.
What other Video Bible Makers are saying…
“I make the Video Bible monthly with a donation because I can’t read well. I am a high school drop out. So being able to put the Bible in my heart daily would change my life!”
-Gina L.
“I feel so honored today to have found the Video Bible in its early stages that I can be ONE OF THE FIRST TO HELP make it by giving monthly! In the years to come, my family will be a part of something truly grand…building a Bible together! Amen!”
-Cindy V.
“We need to support this because we need to be “partakers” of Jesus Kingdom. He wants us to partake and join in the journey and adventure.”
-Elom J.
Ready to Dig In?
Explore our digitized Scripture topics for deeper connections and study
Bible Summary
Comprehensive summaries of every chapter in the Bible, offering an overview of the key themes, events, and messages.
Verses By Topic
Explore Bible verses arranged by topics such as doubt, grace, forgiveness, wisdom, and more.
Bible Meaning
Detailed analysis including historical & cultural context, theological implications, and practical applications.
Bible Dictionary
An exhaustive list of every person or place in the Bible that will help you form connections while reading.
Verse-by-verse commentary to help you connect each passage to the bigger story of God’s love and the teachings of Jesus.
Preaching Guide
Includes key themes and doctrinal points, verse-by-verse analysis, sermon outline and flow, and more.
Bible Images
Access our beautiful illustrations to share in Bible Studies, Sunday School, or to highlight sermons.
Is hell real? Why did Judas betray Jesus? Answers to important questions of faith, written by Biblical scholars and pastors.
Interactive Online Bible
Experience the Interactive NIV & KJV Bible! Read Scripture in your preferred version and click on any name to explore detailed profiles of every person and place.
Frequently Asked Questions
How will you raise the money?
With over 1,000 donors giving $25/month, we can produce the Video Bible. Because we believe God has ordained this mission, we are trusting for the provision to complete. Currently, we have 102 monthly donors. Would you please consider donating so we can get to 1000 monthly donors?
Here are exciting things God has already done:
- We have hard-to-get traction with Bible publishers, including a licensing commitment from Biblica (the nonprofit Bible division of Zondervan) to use the NIV audio Bible, narrated by Max McLean.
- We have highly talented artists devoted to the project.
- We have a Google grant of $12,000 per month in ad credits.
- And, we have a commitment from The Gospel Coalition to share The Video Bible with their audience.
How quickly will you be able to produce the entire Bible?
We will work through the Bible as quickly as possible, starting with the Book of James in one year, followed by the rest of the Gospels, then the remainder of the New Testament, and finally, the Old Testament. Our primary focus is on producing the books of the Bible that introduce Jesus to the world, which we believe we can accomplish in 7.5 years once fully funded.
How will you distribute the Bible and will there be a cost to it?
As The Video Bible is created, it will be available on YouTube, YouVersion, and The Video Bible app. As a monthly donor, you’ll receive early access and can help test user-friendliness. The Video Bible will be free to access and the only cost will be that to create it which you can help fund.
What are your doctrinal standards?
We believe in the Holy Scripture. We believe it was originally inspired and given by the Holy Spirit. We believe that the Bible is without error. We believe it is the Word of God. We believe the Bible reveals only one living and true God, existing in the three persons of the Godhead: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
We believe in the full deity and full humanity of Jesus Christ, in his virgin birth, his sinless life, his miracles, his substitutionary and atoning death for our sins, his bodily resurrection, his ascension to the right hand of God the Father, his present rule over and intercession for the Church, and his future visible return in power and glory.
We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, whose work of regeneration is essential for salvation. By the Spirit’s sanctifying power, which indwells all believers in Christ, we are enabled to live godly lives of worship and service.