
Bible Articles


Heresiology is the study of heresies, particularly within the context of Christian theology. It involves the identification, analysis, and refutation of beliefs and doctrines that are considered heretical by orthodox Christian standards. The term "heresy" comes from...


Hermitage refers to a dwelling or a secluded place where a person, known as a hermit or anchorite, withdraws from society to live a life of solitude, prayer, and asceticism in devotion to God. The concept of hermitage has deep roots in Christian monasticism and...


Hagiography refers to the writing and study of the lives of saints, martyrs, and other holy figures in Christian history. The term comes from the Greek words "hagios" (holy) and "graphia" (writing), meaning "writing about the holy." Hagiographies are more than just...

Great Commission

The Great Commission is one of the most pivotal mandates given by Jesus Christ to His disciples, instructing them to spread the Gospel and make disciples of all nations. This directive, found in the New Testament, is central to the mission and identity of the...


Gnosticism is an ancient religious movement that emerged in the early centuries of the Christian era, characterized by a dualistic worldview that separates the material and spiritual realms. Gnostics believed that salvation came through secret knowledge (gnosis)...

Gloria Patri

Gloria Patri, also known as the Doxology or Glory Be, is a short hymn of praise to the Holy Trinity. The phrase "Gloria Patri" means "Glory to the Father" in Latin, and it is one of the most ancient and widely used doxologies in Christian liturgy. This hymn expresses...

Filioque Clause

The Filioque Clause refers to a phrase added to the Nicene Creed in the Western Church, stating that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father "and the Son" (Filioque in Latin). This addition became a major theological and ecclesiastical controversy, contributing to...


Exorcism is a practice within Christianity that involves the casting out of demons or evil spirits from a person, place, or object believed to be possessed or influenced by such entities. Rooted in biblical tradition and carried forward through the history of the...


Exegesis is the process of interpreting and understanding the meaning of a text, particularly sacred Scripture, by drawing out its intended message as understood in its original context. In Christian theology, exegesis is a critical discipline, aiming to uncover the...

Evangelical Counsels

Evangelical Counsels refer to the three vows or commitments traditionally embraced by individuals who choose to live a life of consecrated service to God, particularly in monastic or religious orders. These counsels are poverty, chastity, and obedience. They are...


The Eucharist is one of the central sacraments of Christian worship, also known as Holy Communion, the Lord's Supper, or the Blessed Sacrament. It commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with His disciples, where He instituted the practice of sharing bread and...

Esoteric Christianity

Esoteric Christianity refers to a branch of Christian thought that seeks to explore the mystical, hidden, or inner meanings of Christian teachings and scriptures. It is often associated with practices and beliefs that go beyond the exoteric or public teachings of the...

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