
Bible Articles

Efficacious Grace

Efficacious Grace is a theological concept primarily associated with the Reformed tradition, particularly within Calvinism. It refers to the grace of God that effectively accomplishes its purpose in the salvation of sinners. Unlike general or common grace, which can...

Ecclesial Community

The term "ecclesial community" is often used within Christian theology to describe groups of Christians who gather together for worship, fellowship, and the practice of their faith but are not formally recognized as "churches" in the traditional, theological sense by...


Dogmatics is a branch of theology that involves the systematic and detailed study of Christian doctrines, often presented as the official teachings or dogmas of a particular church or denomination. Dogmatics seeks to articulate, defend, and develop a coherent...

Divine Office

The Divine Office, also known as the Liturgy of the Hours or Opus Dei (Work of God), is a series of prayers, psalms, and readings chanted or recited at specific times of the day by clergy, religious orders, and devout laypeople within the Christian tradition. This...


Dispensation is a theological term used within Christian theology, particularly in dispensationalism, to describe distinct periods or "economies" in God's method of administering His will and purpose for humanity throughout history. Each dispensation is characterized...


Diakonia is a Greek term that means "service" or "ministry." In Christian theology and practice, it refers to the ministry of service, often characterized by acts of charity, care for the needy, and the overall mission of the Church to serve others. The concept of...


Demonology, from a Christian worldview, is the study of demons or evil spirits, their origins, nature, and influence in the world. It involves understanding the biblical and theological perspectives on these malevolent beings and their role in opposing God’s purposes...

Cultural Christianity

Cultural Christianity refers to a form of Christianity that is more about identifying with Christian culture, traditions, or values rather than having a deep, personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It is often characterized by a superficial adherence to Christian...

Conventual Mass

Conventual Mass refers to a specific type of Mass celebrated in monastic or religious communities, where it serves as the primary liturgical service for the community. Unlike public Masses, which are open to the general congregation, the Conventual Mass is primarily...


Conditionalism is a theological belief related to the nature of human immortality and the final state of the wicked. It asserts that eternal life is a gift from God granted only to those who are saved through faith in Jesus Christ, while the wicked, after judgment,...

Communion of Saints

The "Communion of Saints" is a term that expresses the spiritual union of all believers in Christ, both living and dead, who are part of the Body of Christ, the Church. This doctrine emphasizes the interconnectedness of Christians across time and space, and their...

Church Polity

Church polity refers to the system of governance and organizational structure within a Christian church or denomination. It encompasses the rules, practices, and authority structures that determine how decisions are made, how leadership is exercised, and how the...

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