
Bible Articles


A creed is a formal statement of faith or belief that summarizes essential Christian doctrines. Creeds have played a significant role in the history of Christianity, serving as a means of defining and preserving the core tenets of the faith, particularly in response...

Church Discipline

Church discipline is a biblical practice aimed at maintaining the purity, integrity, and spiritual health of the local church. It involves addressing sin within the congregation through a process that seeks to bring about repentance, reconciliation, and restoration....

Supralapsarianism and Infralapsarianism

Supralapsarianism and Infralapsarianism are theological positions within Reformed theology that attempt to understand the logical order of God’s decrees concerning creation, the fall of humanity, election, and reprobation. These views do not address the chronological...

Irresistible Grace

Irresistible Grace is a doctrine in Christian theology, particularly associated with Calvinism, which asserts that God's grace extended to those He has chosen to save is effective and cannot be resisted. This means that when God extends His grace to an individual,...

Q Source

The Q Source, often referred to simply as "Q" (from the German word Quelle, meaning "source"), is a hypothetical written collection of Jesus' sayings that some scholars believe was used as a source by the authors of the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. This theory is part...

Pseudonymous Writings

Pseudonymous writings, also known as pseudepigrapha, refer to texts written by individuals who falsely claim the name of a well-known figure, usually to lend authority or credibility to their work. In the context of early Christian literature, this term often refers...

Prosperity Theology

Prosperity Theology, also known as the "Prosperity Gospel," is a controversial belief system within some Christian circles that teaches that God desires for His followers to be materially wealthy, physically healthy, and successful in all areas of life. This theology...


Prophecy in the Christian worldview is understood as a divine communication, typically involving the revelation of God's will, plans, or future events. Prophets in the Bible served as messengers of God, delivering His word to His people. Christian theology sees...


Probationism is a theological concept that posits that after death, souls enter a state of probation or a period of testing, during which they can achieve salvation or damnation. This idea is not widely accepted in mainstream Christian theology and is often associated...


Presuppositionalism is a method of Christian apologetics that argues the truth of Christian faith by asserting that the Christian worldview is the only basis for rational thought. It holds that all reasoning is ultimately circular because everyone presupposes the...


Premillennialism is a Christian eschatological view that interprets the return of Jesus Christ as occurring before (pre-) a literal thousand-year reign (the millennium) on earth. According to premillennialists, Christ will return to establish His kingdom, during which...


Postmillennialism is an eschatological view within Christianity that interprets the "millennium"—a period described in Revelation 20:1-6—as a future golden age of peace, righteousness, and prosperity that will occur before the return of Jesus Christ. In this view, the...

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