
Bible Articles

Lectio Divina

Lectio Divina is a traditional Christian practice of scriptural reading, meditation, and prayer intended to promote communion with God and to increase the knowledge of God's Word. The Latin term Lectio Divina translates as "Divine Reading." This contemplative method...


Lapsarianism is a theological framework within Reformed theology that deals with the logical order of God's decrees related to creation, the fall (lapsus), and the plan of salvation. It specifically concerns how God’s eternal decrees relate to the events of the fall...

Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God is a central theme in Christian theology, encompassing the reign and rule of God over all creation. It is a concept deeply rooted in Scripture, particularly in the teachings of Jesus, and has been understood and interpreted in various ways...

Kenotic Theology

Kenotic Theology is a Christological perspective that emphasizes the self-emptying (kenosis) of Jesus Christ in His incarnation. The term "kenosis" comes from the Greek word kenoo, meaning "to empty," and is derived from Philippians 2:7, where it is said that Christ...


Justification is a central doctrine in Christian theology, particularly within Protestantism, that deals with how individuals are made right, or just, before God. It addresses the problem of sin and how a sinful human can be reconciled to a holy and just God. The...


Jubilee is a biblical concept rooted in the Old Testament that centers on the themes of rest, restoration, and liberation. The concept of Jubilee is most notably found in Leviticus 25, where God commands the Israelites to observe a Jubilee year every 50 years. During...

Jesus Prayer

The Jesus Prayer is a simple yet profound prayer that has been central to the spiritual life of Eastern Orthodox Christianity for centuries. It consists of the words: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner." This prayer is often repeated...


Intercession refers to the act of praying or pleading on behalf of others. In the Christian tradition, intercession is a vital component of prayer, where believers approach God to seek His help, guidance, or mercy for others. From a Christian worldview, intercession...

Infant Baptism

Infant Baptism is the practice of baptizing young children or infants, a tradition observed by many Christian denominations, including Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and certain branches of Protestantism, such as Anglicanism, Lutheranism, and Reformed churches....


Inculturation is the process by which the Christian faith is expressed and lived out within different cultural contexts, allowing the gospel to be authentically communicated and received by people in various cultural settings. It involves adapting Christian teachings,...


Impeccability, within a Christian worldview, refers to the doctrine that Jesus Christ, as the incarnate Son of God, was incapable of sinning. This doctrine asserts that not only did Jesus live a sinless life, but He was also incapable of committing sin due to His...


An iconostasis is a screen or partition, often adorned with icons, that separates the nave from the sanctuary in Eastern Orthodox and some Eastern Catholic churches. The word "iconostasis" comes from the Greek words "eikon" (icon) and "stasis" (standing or placement),...

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