
Bible Articles


An Iconodule is a term historically used to describe a person who supports the veneration of icons, particularly during the period of the Iconoclastic Controversy in the Byzantine Empire. The term is derived from the Greek words eikon (meaning "icon" or "image") and...


Homiletics is the art and science of preaching and delivering sermons, deeply rooted in the Christian tradition. The term comes from the Greek word "homiletikos," meaning "conversational," and it involves the principles and techniques used to communicate God's Word...


Heterodoxy refers to beliefs or doctrines that deviate from the established or orthodox teachings of the Christian faith. While orthodoxy represents the accepted, traditional beliefs upheld by the Church, heterodoxy encompasses those views that are considered...

Hermeneutic Circle

The Hermeneutic Circle is a concept in hermeneutics, the art and science of interpretation, particularly of texts. In a Christian worldview, the Hermeneutic Circle refers to the process by which the interpretation of a specific part of Scripture is informed by the...


Hedonism is a philosophical worldview that asserts that the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain are the primary or most important goals of human life. The term comes from the Greek word "hedone," meaning "pleasure." In its classical form, hedonism is...

Great Schism

The Great Schism, also known as the East-West Schism, was the formal division that occurred in 1054 AD between the Western Church, led by the Pope in Rome, and the Eastern Church, centered in Constantinople. This event marked the culmination of centuries of...

Gospel Harmony

Gospel Harmony refers to the attempt to synchronize the accounts of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ as presented in the four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The goal of Gospel Harmony is to create a coherent and unified narrative by aligning the...


Glorification is a theological term that refers to the final stage in the process of salvation, where believers are fully conformed to the image of Christ, both spiritually and physically. It is the culmination of God’s redemptive work, where the effects of sin are...

Filioquist Controversy

The Filioque Controversy is one of the most significant theological disputes in Christian history, centering on the phrase "Filioque," which means "and the Son" in Latin. This phrase was added to the Nicene Creed by the Western Church, indicating that the Holy Spirit...

Faith Healing

Faith healing is the practice of prayer and belief in divine intervention to cure illness or disability. It is rooted in the conviction that God can and does heal people miraculously through faith, often in response to prayer. This belief is prevalent among many...


Evangelicalism is a worldwide transdenominational movement within Protestant Christianity that emphasizes the authority of the Bible, the necessity of personal conversion, and the importance of sharing the Christian faith (evangelism). The term "evangelical" comes...

Eternal Generation

Eternal Generation is a theological term used to describe the relationship between God the Father and God the Son within the doctrine of the Trinity. It asserts that the Son is eternally begotten of the Father, meaning that the Son’s existence is derived from the...

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