
Bible Articles


Election in Christian theology refers to God’s sovereign choice in salvation, where He chooses certain individuals to be recipients of His grace, leading to their salvation. This concept is central to discussions about predestination, God’s sovereignty, and human...


Ecclesiology is the theological study of the church, focusing on its origins, nature, structure, and purpose within the Christian faith. It addresses questions about what the church is, its role in God's plan, and how it should function in the world. From a Christian...

Ecclesiastical Polity

Ecclesiastical polity refers to the governance structure of the Christian Church. It encompasses the organization, authority, and the rules that determine how churches operate and how decisions are made. Different Christian denominations have developed various forms...


Doxology refers to a short hymn or expression of praise to God, often used in Christian liturgy and worship. The term comes from the Greek words doxa (meaning "glory") and logia (meaning "saying" or "word"), thus a doxology is literally a "word of glory." Doxologies...

Divine Providence

Divine Providence refers to the doctrine that God is actively involved in the governance and direction of all creation, guiding it toward His ultimate purpose and glory. This doctrine asserts that God not only created the world but also sustains, governs, and directs...


Dispensationalism is a theological framework that interprets the Bible as a series of distinct periods or "dispensations" in which God interacts with humanity in different ways. This system emphasizes a literal interpretation of Scripture, especially in prophetic...


A diocese is a specific geographical area under the pastoral care and jurisdiction of a bishop in various Christian denominations, particularly in the Roman Catholic, Anglican, and Eastern Orthodox traditions. The term "diocese" comes from the Greek word dioikesis,...


Denominationalism refers to the division of the Christian Church into distinct groups, known as denominations, each with its own doctrines, practices, governance, and identity. These divisions often reflect differences in theology, worship style, church polity, and...


A Deacon is a servant-leader within the Christian church, whose role is to assist in the practical and spiritual needs of the congregation. The term "deacon" comes from the Greek word diakonos, which means "servant" or "minister." Deacons are typically responsible for...

Cross Theology

Cross Theology (sometimes referred to as Theology of the Cross) is a theological framework that centers on the crucifixion of Jesus Christ as the definitive revelation of God’s nature, character, and redemptive plan for humanity. This theology emphasizes the...

Covenant Theology

Covenant Theology is a framework for understanding the Bible that emphasizes the importance of covenants—solemn agreements between God and humanity—as the structure through which God’s redemptive plan unfolds. This theological system sees the entirety of Scripture as...


The term "consubstantial" is a theological term that describes the relationship between the Persons of the Holy Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—emphasizing that they share the same divine essence or substance. The word comes from the Latin consubstantialis,...

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