Bible Questions

What Is the Meaning of the Valley of Dry Bones in Ezekiel 37?

Brief Answer The vision of the Valley of Dry Bones in Ezekiel 37 symbolizes God's power to restore life to His people. Given to the prophet Ezekiel, this vision depicts a valley filled with lifeless bones that are miraculously brought back to life by God's command....

What Will Be the End Times One-World Religion?

Brief Answer The Bible warns that in the end times, a false one-world religion will emerge, deceiving many and uniting people under a system opposed to God. This false religion will be led by the Antichrist and his prophet, promoting worship of a counterfeit god and...

Who Was Dagon in the Bible?

Brief Answer Dagon was a false god worshiped by the Philistines, often depicted as a half-man, half-fish deity. He was considered a god of fertility and grain, and his worship was widespread in Philistine cities such as Ashdod and Gaza. In the Bible, Dagon is most...

What Does It Mean That We Are More Than Conquerors (Romans 8:37)?

Brief Answer Romans 8:37 declares, "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us." This verse means that believers in Jesus Christ have complete and overwhelming victory over sin, suffering, and even death—not by their own strength, but...

What Does It Mean That God Is Merciful?

Brief Answer God’s mercy means that He does not give us the punishment we deserve but instead offers forgiveness, love, and compassion. His mercy is an essential part of His character, flowing from His great love. The Bible repeatedly shows that God is merciful to...

What Is the Shortest Verse in the Bible?

Brief Answer The shortest verse in the English Bible is John 11:35, which states, "Jesus wept." This verse, though brief, carries deep theological significance, showing Jesus’ compassion and humanity as He mourned the death of Lazarus. However, in the original...

What Does the Bible Mean When It Calls God the “LORD of Hosts”?

Brief Answer The title “LORD of Hosts” (Hebrew: Yahweh Sabaoth) appears throughout the Bible, emphasizing God’s supreme authority over heavenly and earthly armies. It portrays Him as the sovereign King who commands angelic hosts, rules over all creation, and defends...

What Is the Baptism of/by/with Fire?

Brief Answer The phrase “baptism of fire” appears in the Bible in reference to the Holy Spirit’s work and God’s judgment. In Matthew 3:11 and Luke 3:16, John the Baptist contrasts his baptism with water to the baptism that Jesus would bring, saying, "He will baptize...

What Is the Symbolism of Water Baptism?

Brief Answer Water baptism is a powerful symbol of the believer’s identification with Jesus Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. It represents cleansing from sin, new life in Christ, and public declaration of faith. While baptism itself does not save, it is an...

What Is Reformation Day?

Brief Answer Reformation Day is a Christian observance that commemorates October 31, 1517, when Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the church door in Wittenberg, Germany. This event sparked the Protestant Reformation, which led to a renewed emphasis on salvation by...

Is Jesus in the Old Testament?

Brief Answer Yes, Jesus is present throughout the Old Testament—not by name, but through prophecies, foreshadowing, theophanies (visible appearances of God), and symbolic representations. The Old Testament lays the foundation for the coming of the Messiah, describing...

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