Bible Questions

What Is Contemplative Prayer?

Brief Answer Contemplative prayer is a form of prayer that emphasizes being still in God’s presence, focusing on His character, and listening to Him with a quiet and open heart. It is not about emptying the mind but about intentionally drawing near to God, meditating...

Who Was Hadassah in the Bible?

Brief Answer Hadassah is the Hebrew name of Esther, the Jewish woman who became queen of Persia and played a pivotal role in saving her people from destruction. Her story, recorded in the Book of Esther, highlights God’s providence, faithfulness, and ability to use...

What Does the Bible Say About Anger?

Brief Answer The Bible teaches that anger is a natural human emotion, but it must be handled with care and righteousness. While anger itself is not inherently sinful, unchecked or unrighteous anger can lead to sin and harm. Scripture encourages believers to reflect...

What Does It Mean to Have the Fear of God?

Brief Answer The fear of God means having a deep reverence, awe, and respect for God that leads to obedience and trust in Him. It is not about being terrified of God but recognizing His holiness, justice, and power while responding with love, worship, and submission....

What Is Hyssop?

Brief Answer Hyssop is a small, aromatic plant mentioned in the Bible, often associated with purification and cleansing. It was used in Old Testament rituals for sprinkling blood or water as part of ceremonial purification, symbolizing spiritual cleansing and...

What Is the Septuagint?

Brief Answer The Septuagint is a Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures (the Old Testament), created between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. It was widely used by Greek-speaking Jews and early Christians, including the apostles. The Septuagint holds historical and...

What Is the Year of Jubilee?

Brief Answer The Year of Jubilee is a biblical concept found in Leviticus 25, instituted by God for the Israelites as a time of freedom, restoration, and rest every 50th year. During this year, debts were forgiven, land was returned to its original owners, and slaves...

What Is the Gospel of Barnabas?

Brief Answer The Gospel of Barnabas is a book falsely attributed to Barnabas, one of the apostles mentioned in the New Testament. It is not part of the Bible and contradicts biblical teachings, particularly about the identity of Jesus Christ. Written centuries after...

What Is the Great Commission?

Brief Answer The Great Commission is Jesus’ command to His disciples to go into all the world, make disciples of all nations, baptize them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and teach them to obey everything He commanded (Matthew 28:19-20). It is the...

What Does the Bible Say About Reincarnation?

Brief Answer The Bible does not support the idea of reincarnation. Instead, it teaches that human beings live once, die, and face judgment (Hebrews 9:27). The Christian faith emphasizes eternal life through Jesus Christ and the resurrection of the body rather than a...

What Does Satan Look Like?

Brief Answer The Bible does not provide a detailed physical description of Satan but instead focuses on his nature and character. He is depicted as a spiritual being, a fallen angel who masquerades as an angel of light to deceive humanity (2 Corinthians 11:14)....

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