
Bible Articles

To Thine Own Self Be True

The phrase "to thine own self be true" is a famous line from William Shakespeare's play Hamlet. Although it is not a biblical quote, the concept of being true to oneself can be explored from a biblical perspective. The Bible has much to say about integrity,...

Dry Bones

The vision of the "dry bones" is one of the most powerful and evocative images in the Bible, found in Ezekiel 37:1-14. This vision, given to the prophet Ezekiel, carries deep spiritual and prophetic significance, symbolizing the restoration of Israel, the power of God...


AWANA, an acronym for "Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed," is a global evangelical Christian organization focused on youth ministry. The program, which began in the 1950s, is designed to teach children and teenagers the Bible, help them develop a personal relationship...

Aramaic Word for God

The Aramaic word for "God" is "Elaha" in its singular form and "Alaha" in the emphatic state, which is commonly used in Aramaic texts. Aramaic is a Semitic language closely related to Hebrew and Arabic, and it was widely spoken in the Near East during the time of...


Sensuality, as it is understood from a biblical perspective, refers to a preoccupation with or indulgence in physical pleasures, particularly those related to the senses and often associated with sexual immorality. The Bible addresses sensuality in various contexts,...

Silas Name Meaning

Silas is a name that appears in the New Testament of the Bible, associated with a close companion of the Apostle Paul. The name Silas carries with it significant historical and spiritual connotations, and understanding its meaning and the role of Silas in the early...

NWT Meaning

The abbreviation "NWT" stands for the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, which is a Bible translation published by the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, the organization associated with Jehovah’s Witnesses. The NWT was first released in the early 1950s...


The concept of anointing is deeply rooted in biblical tradition, encompassing both physical and spiritual dimensions. In its simplest form, to anoint means to apply oil or another substance to a person or object, often as part of a religious ritual. From a biblical...

Faith of a Mustard Seed

The phrase "faith of a mustard seed" is drawn from several passages in the Gospels where Jesus uses the mustard seed as a metaphor to describe the power of faith. Despite its small size, the mustard seed symbolizes the potential for growth, strength, and...

Lukewarm Christian

The term "lukewarm Christian" is derived from the book of Revelation, where Jesus addresses the church in Laodicea with a stern warning about their spiritual condition. Being "lukewarm" is a metaphor for spiritual complacency, mediocrity, or indifference, and it...

Was Jesus Jewish?

The question "Was Jesus Jewish?" may seem straightforward, but it carries significant theological and historical implications. The answer is unequivocally yes—Jesus was Jewish. This fact is central to understanding His life, teachings, and the fulfillment of biblical...

“If You Love Me Keep My Commandments”

The phrase "If you love me keep my commandments" comes from John 14:15, where Jesus speaks to His disciples during the Last Supper. This statement encapsulates a central aspect of the Christian faith: the connection between love for Jesus and obedience to His...

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