
Bible Articles

Jesus H. Christ

The phrase "Jesus H. Christ" is often used colloquially or irreverently in various contexts, but it is not a biblically or theologically accurate term. From a Bible-believing Christian worldview, understanding the correct names and titles of Jesus is essential for...

Shabbat Shalom Meaning

"Shabbat Shalom" is a traditional Hebrew greeting used primarily among Jewish people to wish others peace and wholeness on the Sabbath, which is observed from Friday evening to Saturday evening. The phrase is rich in meaning and deeply rooted in Jewish tradition and...

Rooster Crowing

The crowing of a rooster is a sound that has been etched into the collective memory of Christians because of its pivotal role in the story of Peter’s denial of Jesus. This event, recorded in all four Gospels, highlights themes of human weakness, repentance, and the...

Eugene Peterson

Eugene Peterson (1932–2018) was a prominent American pastor, theologian, and author best known for his work on The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language, a paraphrase of the Bible. Peterson’s influence on modern Christian thought and practice is significant,...

God Is Within Her

The phrase "God is within her" comes from Psalm 46:5, a verse that has been a source of encouragement and strength for many believers. While it is often quoted in various contexts, its deeper meaning is rooted in the understanding of God's presence, protection, and...

Forbidden Fruit

The concept of the "forbidden fruit" is one of the most well-known and symbolically rich stories in the Bible, originating from the account of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. The forbidden fruit represents disobedience to God, the consequences of sin, and the loss...

Let Go and Let God

The phrase "Let go and let God" is a popular saying among Christians, encapsulating the idea of surrendering control and trusting in God's sovereignty and guidance. This phrase, while not directly quoted from the Bible, is rooted in biblical principles that emphasize...

Generational Curses

The concept of "generational curses" refers to the belief that the sins or negative behaviors of one generation can have lasting effects on subsequent generations. This idea is often discussed in Christian circles and is sometimes thought to explain patterns of sin,...

Joy Comes in the Morning

The phrase "joy comes in the morning" is derived from Psalm 30:5, a verse that offers hope and encouragement to those enduring difficult times. This expression captures the biblical theme of God’s faithfulness and the assurance that, despite the trials and sorrows of...

Solomon’s Words for the Wise

King Solomon, known for his unparalleled wisdom, is one of the most prominent figures in the Bible. His wisdom, granted by God, is recorded primarily in the books of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon. These writings, often referred to as "Solomon's words for...

Secular Music

Secular music, which refers to music that is not specifically religious or spiritual in content, is a significant part of modern culture. From a biblical perspective, Christians often grapple with the question of how to engage with secular music in a way that honors...


Courting, often referred to as courtship, is a traditional approach to relationships where a couple seeks to develop a deep connection with the intention of marriage, while maintaining strong moral and spiritual values. Unlike modern dating, which can often be casual...

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