
Bible Articles

INRI Meaning

The acronym "INRI" is commonly associated with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It appears on many depictions of the crucifixion and is often seen inscribed above the cross in Christian art and iconography. Understanding the meaning and significance of "INRI" from a...

Who Killed Jesus?

The question of who killed Jesus is both complex and profound, touching on theological, historical, and moral dimensions. From a biblical perspective, the death of Jesus Christ is central to the Christian faith, as it represents the culmination of God's plan for the...

Yamaka or Kippah

The term "yamaka" refers to the traditional Jewish head covering, more commonly known as a "kippah" in Hebrew. The wearing of a kippah has deep cultural and religious significance within Judaism, symbolizing reverence for God and the recognition of His presence. While...

Selah Meaning

The term "Selah" is one of the most enigmatic words in the Bible, appearing primarily in the Book of Psalms and a few times in the Book of Habakkuk. Despite its frequent occurrence, its precise meaning remains uncertain, leading to various interpretations over the...

Who was the First Man on Earth?

The first man on earth, according to the Bible, is Adam. His creation marks the beginning of humanity and sets the foundation for many key theological concepts in Christianity, including the nature of humanity, the relationship between God and man, and the origin of...

Where Was Jesus Born?

The birthplace of Jesus Christ holds significant theological and historical importance in Christianity. According to the Bible, Jesus was born in Bethlehem, a small town in Judea. This event, which is central to the Christian faith, fulfilled ancient prophecies and...

Be Still and Know That I Am God

The phrase “Be still, and know that I am God” comes from Psalm 46:10 and is a powerful and comforting declaration that resonates deeply with many believers. This verse encapsulates a call to trust, a reminder of God’s sovereignty, and an invitation to peace in the...

Is Cursing a Sin?

Cursing, also known as using profane or foul language, is a topic that has generated considerable debate among Christians. The Bible has much to say about the use of language, and many passages offer guidance on how believers should speak. Understanding whether...


Christotokos is a Greek term that means "Christ-bearer" or "Mother of Christ." It is a title given to Mary, the mother of Jesus, emphasizing her role as the mother of the human Jesus, Christ. This term became significant in the early church debates about the nature of...


Christology is the branch of Christian theology that deals with the identity, nature, and work of Jesus Christ. It addresses crucial questions about who Jesus is, how He relates to God the Father and the Holy Spirit, and what His life, death, and resurrection mean for...


Christocentric theology is an approach to understanding the Christian faith that places Jesus Christ at the center of all theological reflection, biblical interpretation, and practical living. This perspective asserts that Jesus Christ is the focal point of God’s...


Charismatic refers to a movement within Christianity that emphasizes the work of the Holy Spirit, spiritual gifts, and contemporary manifestations of God's presence and power. The term charismatic comes from the Greek word charisma, meaning "gift," and it highlights...

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