
Bible Articles


Apologetics is the theological discipline aimed at defending religious doctrines through systematic argumentation and discourse. It seeks to provide rational justifications for faith, address objections, and demonstrate the coherence and credibility of religious...


Apocryphon refers to a secret book or non-canonical scripture, often associated with Gnostic beliefs. These writings were typically esoteric in nature, intended for a select group of initiates who possessed special knowledge or insight. The term "apocryphon" comes...


The Apocrypha refers to a collection of biblical or related writings that are not considered part of the accepted canon of Scripture by certain Christian traditions. These texts hold varying degrees of religious significance and canonical status across different...


Apocatastasis (sometimes spelled apokatastasis) is a theological concept that refers to the idea of the eventual restoration of all things to their original, intended state. In Christian theology, this term is often associated with the belief that, in the end, all of...


Apocalypticism is the belief in religious prophecies that foretell the end of the world, a prominent theme in the Book of Revelation and other biblical texts. This eschatological perspective emphasizes the ultimate triumph of good over evil, the final judgment, and...


Antinomianism is the theological idea that under the gospel dispensation of grace, the moral law is of no use or obligation for believers. This perspective argues that, since Christians are saved by grace and not by works, they are not bound by the moral laws of the...

What is a Gypsy?

The term "Gypsy" is commonly used to refer to the Romani people, an ethnic group with a rich cultural heritage and a complex history. However, the term "Gypsy" is often considered pejorative and inaccurate. This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of...

7 Virtues

The concept of the seven virtues has a significant place in Christian moral teaching. These virtues serve as a framework for leading a life of moral excellence and spiritual integrity. The seven virtues are divided into the four cardinal virtues, derived from ancient...

How Old Was Mary When She Had Jesus?

The age of Mary at the time of Jesus' birth is a topic of interest and curiosity for many believers and scholars. While the Bible does not explicitly state Mary's age, historical and cultural context, along with traditional beliefs, provide insights into her likely...

How Old is God?

The question "How old is God?" touches on profound aspects of theology and the nature of God as described in the Bible. Unlike humans, God exists outside the bounds of time and space, embodying eternity. This article explores the biblical understanding of God's age,...

Kairos Meaning

The term "kairos" is a Greek word that holds deep significance in the Bible and Christian theology. Unlike "chronos," which refers to chronological or sequential time, "kairos" signifies a moment of opportunity, an appointed time, or a decisive moment. This article...

Biblically Accurate Demons

Biblically accurate demons, as depicted in the Bible, are spiritual beings with malevolent intentions that oppose God and His purposes. Understanding what the Bible says about demons helps believers grasp the spiritual realities they face and the nature of the...

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