
Bible Articles

Apostate: Defintion and Understanding

The term "apostate" refers to a person who renounces or abandons their religious faith, beliefs, or principles. In a Christian context, apostasy is considered a serious matter, as it involves a deliberate turning away from the faith and the truths of the gospel....

The Meaning of “Shalom”

Introduction "Shalom" is a Hebrew word that holds profound significance in Jewish and Christian traditions. It is often translated as "peace," but its meaning encompasses much more than the absence of conflict. Shalom conveys a sense of completeness, wholeness,...

Yeshua: The Hebrew Name of Jesus

"Yeshua" is the Hebrew name for Jesus. Understanding the significance of this name helps deepen the understanding of Jesus' identity and mission as presented in the Bible. Meaning of Yeshua "Yeshua" means "salvation" or "The Lord saves." It is a shortened form of the...

Angel Numbers

The concept of "angel numbers" is a modern spiritual belief that certain numbers are messages from angels, intended to guide or communicate with individuals. While this idea is popular in some New Age and contemporary spiritual circles, it is not rooted in biblical...

Where is Heaven?

The concept of heaven is central to Christian theology, representing the dwelling place of God, the angels, and the ultimate destination for believers. The Bible provides descriptions and insights about heaven, though it does not give a precise physical location to...

Does the Bible Say the Earth is Flat?

The question: "Does the Bible Say the Earth is Flat?" has been a subject of discussion and debate. While some verses in the Bible have been interpreted by a few to suggest a flat earth, the overwhelming consensus among theologians and biblical scholars is that the...

Do Angels Have Free Will?

The question: "Do Angels Have Free Will?" is an intriguing theological issue. The Bible provides insights that suggest angels, like humans, possess the ability to make choices. Here’s an exploration of this topic through a biblical lens, considering the nature, roles,...

Did God Create Evil?

The question: "Did God created evil?" is a profound theological issue that has been debated by scholars and believers for centuries. The short answer is "no." The Bible provides insights that help us understand the nature of evil, God’s sovereignty, and the moral...

Is Being Gay a Sin?

The Bible contains several passages that address homosexual behavior, and these passages have traditionally been interpreted within a framework that considers homosexual "acts" as sinful.  The act can be in the physical or the lust of the heart. To understand this...

Is Jesus God?

The question: "Is Jesus God?" is a central tenet of Christian theology, and the doctrine of the divinity of Christ is foundational to the Christian faith. The Bible provides numerous passages that affirm Jesus' divine nature, His identity as God, and His unique...

Who Does God Say I Am?

The Bible provides numerous affirmations about the identity of believers in Christ which answers the question, "Who Does God Say I am?" These declarations help Christians understand their value, purpose, and standing before God. Here are key biblical truths about who...

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