
Bible Articles

What does it mean to “spare the rod, spoil the child”?

The phrase "spare the rod, spoil the child" is a paraphrase often associated with Biblical teachings on discipline. Although the exact phrase is not found in the Bible, it is derived from verses in the book of Proverbs that discuss the importance of disciplining...

What is Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit?

Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is considered one of the most serious and unforgivable sins in Christianity. It is mentioned in the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) as a sin that will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come. This concept...

Bible Verses for Anxiety

Bible Verses for Anxiety

The symptoms of anxiety are pretty clear: sweaty palms, a racing heart, spinning thoughts, and a pit in your stomach. When anxiety strikes, it can make you feel helpless and alone. Thankfully, there are many Bible verses for anxiety that can help you in those stressful moments.

Spiritual Warfare Prayers

Spiritual Warfare Prayers

Some Christians are scared of spiritual warfare. But there is no need to be afraid because God has promised to protect and provide for us. So, we can say spiritual warfare prayers with the full assurance that God will help us no matter what we’re up against.

Prayer of Forgiveness

Prayer of Forgiveness

One of my favorite board games growing up was “Sorry!” For some reason, I really enjoyed knocking someone’s piece off the board and saying, “Sorry!” with a big smile on my face. Unfortunately, in real life, saying sorry and extending forgiveness isn’t as easy (or fun).

Glory Be Prayer

Glory Be Prayer

Many Christians have memorized the Glory Be Prayer. It is a beautiful prayer with an ancient history that packs a powerful message. If you memorized it as a child, it’s time to rediscover it as an adult. 

Biblically Accurate God

Biblically Accurate God

Did you know that the word “God” appears over 4,000 times in the Bible? Clearly, there is a lot to learn about Him! But don’t get overwhelmed by the details and debates because understanding a biblically accurate God doesn’t need to be difficult.

Prayer for My Son

Prayer for My Son

When parenting is really hard, sometimes the only prayer I can muster is, “Help!” I’m thankful God hears those desperate pleas. Then there are other times that I want to pray for my son more intentionally but am not sure what to say.

Why Does God Allow Suffering

Why Does God Allow Suffering

Faith seems pretty simple when we’re singing, “Jesus loves me, this I know.” But, it can be hard to stay faithful during the more challenging moments of life. We’re left wondering: Why does God allow suffering?

Battle Ready Prayer

Battle Ready Prayer

My thoughts swam restless laps in my brain, crashing into my emotions and running into rocks of fear and doubt. I was lost and scared– even my vision was blurry. Where are you, God?

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