
Bible Articles


What are Indulgences? Indulgences are a practice within the Roman Catholic Church that involves the remission of the temporal punishment due to sin, the guilt of which has already been forgiven by Jesus Christ. Rather they see this remission is granted through the...


What is the Incarnation? The Incarnation is a central Christian doctrine that asserts that God became flesh in the person of Jesus Christ. The term "Incarnation" comes from the Latin incarnatio, meaning "in the flesh," and it refers to the belief that the second...

Immaculate Conception

What is the Immaculate Conception? The Immaculate Conception is a Roman Catholic doctrine that teaches Mary, the mother of Jesus, was conceived without original sin. From the very moment of her conception, she was preserved by God's grace from the stain of original...


What is Iconography? Iconography is the use and study of religious images or icons, particularly in the context of Christian art and worship. These icons serve as visual representations of sacred figures, events, and concepts, often playing a central role in the...

Hypostatic Union

What is the Hypostatic Union? The Hypostatic Union is a theological doctrine that describes the union of Christ’s divine and human natures in one person. This doctrine is central to orthodox Christian belief, affirming that Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man, two...


What is Holiness? Holiness is a fundamental concept in Christian theology that refers to the purity, separateness, and moral perfection of God, as well as the call for believers to be set apart and dedicated to God’s purposes. Holiness is both an attribute of God and...


What is Hermeneutics? Hermeneutics is the study and methodology of interpreting texts, particularly sacred texts such as the Bible. It is a critical discipline within theology and biblical studies, focusing on understanding the meaning of the scriptures as they were...


What is Grace? Grace is one of the central themes in Christian theology, often described as God's unmerited favor toward humanity. It is a foundational concept that underscores the nature of God's relationship with His creation, highlighting His generosity, kindness,...


What is Hagiocracy? Hagiocracy is a term used to describe a form of government or rule that is led by holy individuals or religious leaders, often considered to be saints or persons of exceptional piety. The term is derived from the Greek words "hagios," meaning...


Henotheism is a term used in the study of religion to describe the worship of a single god while acknowledging the existence or possible existence of other deities. Unlike monotheism, which asserts the exclusive worship of one God, or polytheism, which involves the...


Glossolalia, commonly referred to as "speaking in tongues," is a phenomenon in which individuals speak in a language unknown to them, often understood as a spiritual gift bestowed by the Holy Spirit. From a Christian biblical worldview, glossolalia is primarily...


Fideism is a theological perspective that emphasizes faith as the sole or primary means of attaining knowledge of God and religious truth, often to the exclusion of reason and empirical evidence. The term derives from the Latin word fides, meaning "faith." Fideists...

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