
Bible Articles

Adult Confession

Adult Confession

My stomach churned, and my head pounded as I mumbled, “I was wrong. I’m sorry.” Those five simple words didn’t feel simple at all.

Unspoken Prayer Request

Unspoken Prayer Request

My greatest strength is also my worst weakness: I’m a solution-oriented, take-action kinda guy. If there’s a problem, I charge in to help. But I can also run people over in the process. So, I really struggled when a friend came to me with an unspoken prayer request.

Bible Journaling

Bible Journaling

Launching Video Bible was a step into the unknown, a courageous act of faith, and a terrifying leap all rolled into one. I needed something to steady and ground me on the journey: That’s why I started Bible journaling.

Who is God?

Who is God?

It’s natural to seek truth, answers, and hope in the middle of this crazy world. One of the questions we often ask in our search for truth is, “Who is God?”

11th Step Prayer

11th Step Prayer

The final steps of a marathon are tough. You’ve been running for 26 miles, and the finish line is in sight. There is pressure to finish strong. That is how saying the 11th step prayer felt to me.

Seventh Step Prayer

Seventh Step Prayer

“My Creator, I am now willing that you should have all of me, good and bad. I pray that you now remove from me every single defect of character which stands in the way of my usefulness to you and my fellows. Grant me strength, as I go out from here, to do your bidding. Amen.” -The Seventh Step Prayer

3rd Step Prayer

3rd Step Prayer

Sometimes the steps seem too long. I get that– twelve items on a to-do list is a lot. So, it helps to have some milestones along the way. The 3rd step prayer is an important one.

Prayer of St. Francis

Prayer of St. Francis

In these times of division, fighting, and uncertainty, peace sometimes feels out of reach. When I am agitated and distressed, the Prayer of St Francis reminds me to ask God for the peace that only He can provide.

Is Masturbation a Sin in the Bible?

Is Masturbation a Sin in the Bible?

As children of God, we have an incredible opportunity to walk alongside and encourage one another, even when a topic is difficult to broach. That’s why I felt honored when a friend called me and asked, “Is masturbation a sin in the bible?”

This Too Shall Pass Bible Verse

This Too Shall Pass Bible Verse

The first time I ever heard, “this too shall pass,” was a cold winter day long ago. My father had died, so I went to the funeral home for a private visitation.

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