
Bible Articles


Fundamentalism is a movement within Christianity that emphasizes a literal interpretation of the Bible, adherence to traditional Christian beliefs, and opposition to modernist theology and secular influences. Originating in the late 19th and early 20th centuries,...


Excommunication is a formal disciplinary action within the Christian Church that involves excluding an individual from the community of believers, usually as a result of serious sin or heresy. The practice of excommunication has deep historical roots in Christian...

Dual Covenant Theology

Dual Covenant Theology is a theological perspective that posits the existence of two distinct covenants established by God—one with the Jewish people and another with Gentiles, particularly Christians. According to this view, the covenant made with Israel through...


Ecumenism refers to the movement and efforts aimed at promoting unity and cooperation among different Christian denominations and traditions. The goal of ecumenism is to restore unity within the body of Christ, which has been divided over centuries due to theological,...


Docetism is an early Christian heresy that taught that Jesus Christ only appeared to have a human body and to suffer on the cross, but in reality, he did not. The term "Docetism" comes from the Greek word dokein, which means "to seem" or "to appear." According to...


Eschatology is the branch of Christian theology concerned with the study of "last things," encompassing beliefs about the end times, the return of Christ, the resurrection of the dead, the final judgment, and the ultimate destiny of humanity and the world. Derived...


Deuterocanonical refers to a collection of books and passages considered canonical by some Christian traditions, particularly within Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy, but not included in the Hebrew Bible or Protestant Old Testament. The term "deuterocanonical"...


Deism is a philosophical and theological position that emerged during the Enlightenment in the 17th and 18th centuries. It posits the existence of a creator God who designed and set the universe in motion but does not intervene in its operations or in the affairs of...

Divine Liturgy

The Divine Liturgy is the central worship service in the Eastern Orthodox, Eastern Catholic, and some Oriental Orthodox Christian traditions. It is a Eucharistic service, meaning it culminates in the celebration of the Eucharist (also known as Holy Communion), where...


Crypto-Christianity refers to the secret practice of the Christian faith by individuals or groups who publicly identify with another religion or secular ideology, often due to persecution, social pressure, or legal restrictions. The term "crypto" comes from the Greek...


Creationism is a religious belief that asserts that the universe and life originated "from specific acts of divine creation," as described in the biblical account, rather than through natural processes such as evolution. Creationism is most commonly associated with...


Consubstantiation is a term often associated with certain Christian views of the Eucharist, particularly in contrast to the Roman Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation. The term is most commonly linked to Lutheran theology, although it is not a term that Martin...

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