
Bible Articles


Concupiscence is a theological term that refers to the inclination or tendency of human nature toward sin. Derived from the Latin word concupiscentia, meaning "strong desire" or "lust," concupiscence is often associated with the disordered desires and passions that...

Collected sermons

Collected sermons refer to a compilation of homilies, discourses, or religious talks delivered by a preacher or theologian, often gathered into a book or series. These sermons can cover a wide range of topics, including biblical exegesis, moral teachings, doctrinal...

Church History

Church History is the study of the development and growth of the Christian Church from its inception at Pentecost to the present day. It encompasses the examination of key events, theological developments, significant figures, and the spread of Christianity across the...

Word-Faith Movement

The Word-Faith Movement, also known as the Prosperity Gospel or the Word of Faith movement, is a Christian theological and spiritual movement that emphasizes the power of faith-filled words to bring about health, wealth, and success. The movement is known for its...


Yoke is a term that carries significant symbolic and theological meaning within the Bible and Christian thought. It refers literally to a wooden crosspiece that is fastened over the necks of two animals, typically oxen, and attached to a plow or cart that they pull....


Xenoglossy is a term derived from the Greek words xenos (foreign) and glossa (tongue or language), referring to the phenomenon where a person is purportedly able to speak or understand a language that they have never learned naturally. In Christian theology, this...


Wesleyanism is a Protestant theological tradition that traces its roots to the teachings and ministry of John Wesley (1703–1791), an Anglican clergyman and theologian who, along with his brother Charles Wesley, played a pivotal role in the 18th-century Evangelical...


Zealot is a term that historically refers to a member of a Jewish political movement in the 1st century AD that sought to overthrow Roman rule in Judea through violent means. The Zealots were known for their fierce devotion to the Jewish law and their opposition to...

Wesleyan Quadrilateral

Wesleyan Quadrilateral is a methodological approach to theology that was developed within the tradition of John Wesley, the founder of Methodism. It emphasizes four sources of authority—Scripture, tradition, reason, and experience—as a means of understanding and...

The Watchtower

The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, commonly known as "The Watchtower," is the organizational and publishing arm of Jehovah's Witnesses, a Christian denomination known for its distinctive beliefs and practices. Founded in the late 19th century, The Watchtower is...


The Vulgate is the Latin translation of the Bible that became the standard text for the Roman Catholic Church and a central part of Western Christianity's religious, cultural, and theological history. The Vulgate was primarily translated by St. Jerome in the late 4th...

Vicarious Atonement

Vicarious Atonement is a foundational doctrine in Christian theology that refers to the belief that Jesus Christ, through His suffering and death on the cross, took upon Himself the punishment for the sins of humanity, thereby reconciling people to God. The term...

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