
Bible Articles


The term "vicar" comes from the Latin word vicarius, meaning "substitute" or "deputy." In Christian ecclesiastical contexts, a vicar is a representative or deputy of a bishop or parish priest who acts with delegated authority. The role and responsibilities of a vicar...

Unction of the Sick

Unction of the Sick, also known as the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, is a Christian sacrament or rite that involves the anointing of a sick person with blessed oil, accompanied by prayers for healing and forgiveness of sins. This sacrament is practiced in...


Ultramontanism is a term used within Roman Catholicism to describe a movement or theological stance that strongly emphasizes the authority of the Pope over the Church, often extending this authority beyond spiritual matters into temporal or political domains. The term...


Trichotomy is a theological and philosophical concept that proposes a threefold division of human nature into body, soul, and spirit. This view contrasts with the more widely held dichotomy, which divides human nature into body and soul/spirit. Trichotomy has been a...

Transcendental theology

Transcendental theology is a philosophical and theological approach that seeks to understand the nature of God and divine reality through the lens of human cognition and experience. It is often associated with the works of Immanuel Kant and later philosophers who...


Transcendence refers to the aspect of God's nature and power that is wholly independent of, and removed from, the material universe. It emphasizes God's existence beyond and above the physical realm, surpassing all created things. From a conservative, Bible-believing...


Theosis, also known as divinization or deification, is a central concept in Eastern Orthodox Christianity that describes the process by which a human being becomes united with God and partakes in the divine nature. It reflects the transformative journey of becoming...

Theological Virtues

Theological Virtues are a set of three foundational virtues—faith, hope, and love (or charity)—that are central to Christian ethics and spirituality. These virtues are called "theological" because they are gifts from God that direct believers toward Him and are...


Theodicy is a branch of theology that seeks to address the problem of evil and suffering in the world in relation to the existence of an all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good God. The term "theodicy" comes from the Greek words theos (God) and dike (justice), and it...


Theism is a broad philosophical and theological belief in the existence of one or more deities who are actively involved in the creation, maintenance, and governance of the universe. In the context of Christian theology, theism specifically refers to the belief in a...

Systematic Theology

Systematic Theology is the branch of theology that seeks to formulate an orderly, rational, and coherent account of the doctrines of the Christian faith. It involves synthesizing and organizing the teachings of the Bible into a comprehensive system that addresses the...

Substitutionary Atonement

Substitutionary Atonement is a key doctrine in Christian theology that explains how Jesus Christ’s death on the cross serves as a substitute for sinners, bearing the punishment that they deserve. This concept is foundational to the understanding of salvation in many...

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