
Bible Articles

Spiritual Direction

Spiritual Direction is a practice within Christian spirituality where one person (the spiritual director) guides another (the directee) in their relationship with God. The goal of spiritual direction is to help the directee grow in their spiritual life, deepen their...

Soli Deo Gloria

Soli Deo Gloria is a Latin phrase that means "Glory to God alone." It is one of the five solas that emerged from the Protestant Reformation, serving as a central theological principle that emphasizes that all glory is due to God alone for salvation and all aspects of...


Semi-Pelagianism is a theological perspective that emerged in the early 5th century as a response to the more extreme views of both Pelagianism and Augustinianism regarding the nature of grace, free will, and human salvation. It occupies a middle ground between...


Sect is a term used to describe a group or movement within a larger religious tradition that has distinct beliefs, practices, or organizational structures that set it apart from the mainstream. In Christian contexts, a sect often refers to a group that has broken away...


Scholasticism is a method of critical thought that dominated medieval European education and theology from the 12th to the 17th century. It represents an intellectual tradition that sought to reconcile Christian theology with classical philosophy, particularly the...


Sanctuary is a term with deep historical, theological, and symbolic significance within the Christian faith. Traditionally, a sanctuary refers to a sacred or holy place, often a specific area within a church where worship, prayer, and the sacraments are conducted. It...


Veneration refers to the act of showing deep respect, honor, and reverence to someone or something. In Christian theology, veneration is often associated with the respect given to saints, angels, and sacred objects. This practice is particularly prominent in Roman...


Elder is a term used in the New Testament to describe a leadership role within the Christian Church. Elders, also known as overseers or bishops, are responsible for providing spiritual oversight, teaching, and shepherding the congregation. The role of elders is deeply...


Sainthood in Christianity refers to the status of being recognized as a saint, a person who is considered holy, virtuous, and close to God. The concept of sainthood has deep roots in Christian theology, history, and tradition, and it encompasses both the general call...


A sacrament, in Christian theology, is a sacred rite instituted by Christ that is outwardly visible and conveys inward spiritual grace to the believer. The concept of sacraments is central to Christian worship and practice, serving as a means of grace through which...


Sacerdotalism refers to the belief that priests serve as necessary mediators between God and humanity, with a particular emphasis on the role of the priesthood in administering sacraments and providing access to divine grace. This theological perspective is most...


Revival in a Christian context refers to a period of renewed spiritual interest, enthusiasm, and commitment within a church or community. It is characterized by a deepening of faith, widespread repentance, a return to biblical teaching, and often a significant...

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