
Who was Adalia in the Bible?

Adalia is a person mentioned in the book of Esther, specifically in Esther 9:8. From a biblical point of view, we can explore the significance of Adalia in the context of the events surrounding the Exile and Return of the Jewish people.

The Context of Esther

The Book of Esther is set during the period of the Persian Empire, which followed the Babylonian Exile of the Jews. It tells the story of a Jewish woman named Esther, who becomes queen of Persia and, with her cousin Mordecai, helps save her people from a plot to annihilate them. This plot is orchestrated by Haman, a high-ranking official in the Persian court.

Adalia’s Mention in the Bible

In Esther 9:8, Adalia is listed among the descendants of Haman:

“And Parshandatha, Dalphon, Aspatha, Poratha, Adalia, Aridatha, Parmashta, Arisai, Aridai, and Vaizatha.” (Esther 9:8)

Adalia is one of Haman’s ten sons. The Hebrew name for Adalia is אֲדַלְיָֽא (Adalyah), which can be translated to mean “Yahweh is just.” This brief mention ties Adalia to a significant moment in Jewish history.

The Fate of Haman’s Sons

Haman’s plot to destroy the Jewish people is foiled through the bravery of Queen Esther and the intervention of God. After Haman’s execution, his ten sons, including Adalia, are also put to death. Their bodies are displayed publicly as a sign of the complete defeat of Haman’s evil plans:

“The ten sons of Haman son of Hammedatha, the enemy of the Jews, but they did not lay their hands on the plunder.” (Esther 9:10)

This act symbolizes the total eradication of the threat against the Jewish people and serves as a powerful testament to God’s protection over His chosen people.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

Divine Providence

The story of Esther, including the fate of Adalia and his brothers, illustrates the theme of divine providence. God’s hand is evident in the deliverance of His people, even when His name is not explicitly mentioned in the text. This encourages modern Christians to trust in God’s unseen guidance and protection in their lives.

Courage and Faith

Esther’s courage to stand before the king and reveal Haman’s plot, risking her own life, is a powerful example of faith and bravery. Modern Christians can draw inspiration from her example to stand firm in their faith, even in the face of adversity.

The Consequences of Evil

Adalia and his brothers’ demise serves as a reminder of the ultimate futility of evil schemes against God’s people. It underscores the biblical principle that “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). This encourages believers to live righteously and trust that God will bring justice.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Faithfulness

The story of Esther, including the mention of Adalia, highlights God’s unwavering faithfulness to His promises and His people. Despite the odds, God orchestrates events to ensure the safety and continuity of the Jewish nation. This reassures modern Christians of God’s enduring love and commitment to His covenant.

Historical Remembrance

The inclusion of specific names like Adalia in the Bible emphasizes the importance of remembering and recording historical events. It serves as a call for believers to remember God’s past faithfulness as a foundation for trusting Him in present and future challenges.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Typology of Salvation

The deliverance of the Jews in Esther can be seen as a typology of the salvation that Jesus Christ offers. Just as Esther interceded for her people, Jesus intercedes for humanity. Haman’s plot represents the forces of sin and evil, while the Jews’ deliverance points to the ultimate victory through Christ’s sacrifice.

The Defeat of Evil

The execution of Haman and his sons, including Adalia, parallels the defeat of Satan and sin through Jesus’ death and resurrection. It symbolizes the complete and final victory that believers have in Christ, who “disarmed the powers and authorities” (Colossians 2:15).


Adalia’s brief mention in Esther 9:8 serves as part of the larger narrative of God’s faithfulness and deliverance. His story, along with the broader events of the Book of Esther, teaches modern Christians about divine providence, courage, the consequences of evil, and the assurance of God’s protection. It also connects to the greater story of salvation through Jesus Christ, reinforcing the timeless message of God’s love and justice. Remembering these lessons helps believers trust in God’s sovereignty and remain steadfast in their faith.

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