
Who Was Addi in the Bible?

Man Living at the Time of Exile and Return

Addi, mentioned in Luke 3:28, is a man from the tribe of Judah who lived during the time of the Exile and Return. He is listed in the genealogy of Jesus, specifically in the lineage leading up to Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus. Addi is described as the son of Cosam and the father of Melchi.

Genealogical Significance

From a biblical perspective, Addi’s inclusion in the genealogy of Jesus is significant as it underscores the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies regarding the Messiah coming from the line of David, who was from the tribe of Judah. The genealogy in Luke 3 traces Jesus’ lineage all the way back to Adam, emphasizing Jesus’ connection to humanity and highlighting His role as the Savior of all people.

The mention of Addi in the genealogy serves to establish Jesus’ rightful claim to the throne of David and to demonstrate His fulfillment of the Messianic promises found in the Old Testament. It also emphasizes the historical and genealogical accuracy of the biblical accounts, showing the meticulous record-keeping and providential guidance of God throughout history.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

Importance of Genealogy

The genealogy of Jesus, including figures like Addi, serves as a powerful reminder of God’s faithfulness and the fulfillment of His promises. For modern Christians, this emphasizes the importance of understanding our spiritual heritage and recognizing the continuity of God’s plan through history.

Faithfulness Through Generations

Addi’s presence in the genealogy also highlights the faithfulness of God through generations. Despite the trials and tribulations faced by the people of Israel, such as the Exile, God’s promise to bring forth a Savior from the line of David remained steadfast. This teaches modern Christians about the unwavering nature of God’s promises and His faithfulness to His people.

Connection to a Loving God

Divine Plan of Redemption

Addi’s inclusion in the genealogy of Jesus underscores the divine plan of redemption that God has orchestrated throughout history. From the very beginning, God had a plan to redeem humanity through Jesus Christ. Each person in the genealogy, including Addi, played a part in this divine plan, demonstrating God’s sovereign control over history and His deep love for humanity.

Personal Relationship with God

For modern Christians, the genealogy of Jesus, which includes Addi, serves as a reminder of the personal relationship God desires to have with each individual. Just as God knew and used Addi for His purposes, He knows and has a purpose for each of us. This connection to a loving God is central to the Christian faith, providing comfort and assurance in God’s eternal plan.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Fulfillment of Prophecy

The genealogical records in the Bible, including the mention of Addi, highlight the fulfillment of prophecy concerning Jesus Christ. Jesus’ lineage, traced back through individuals like Addi, validates His identity as the promised Messiah. For modern Christians, this fulfillment of prophecy strengthens faith in Jesus as the Savior and reaffirms the trustworthiness of Scripture.

Jesus’ Humanity and Divinity

The genealogy in Luke 3, which includes Addi, emphasizes both the humanity and divinity of Jesus Christ. By tracing Jesus’ lineage back to Adam, the genealogy highlights Jesus’ full participation in human history and His solidarity with humanity. This dual nature of Christ is fundamental to Christian theology, affirming that Jesus is both fully God and fully man.


Addi’s presence in the genealogy of Jesus highlights the divine plan of redemption unfolding through history, ultimately culminating in the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ for the salvation of all who believe in Him. The mention of Addi serves to emphasize the fulfillment of Messianic prophecies, the faithfulness of God through generations, and the deep connection between humanity and the divine.

For modern Christians, the story of Addi and the genealogical record of Jesus reinforce the importance of understanding our spiritual heritage, recognizing God’s unwavering faithfulness, and deepening our personal relationship with a loving God who has meticulously orchestrated a plan for our redemption through Jesus Christ. The genealogy is not just a historical record but a testament to the intricate and purposeful work of God in bringing about His plan of salvation.

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