
Who Was Adina in the Bible?

Adina is a somewhat obscure figure mentioned in the Bible, specifically in 1 Chronicles 11:42. The verse states, “Adina the son of Shiza the Reubenite, a leader of the Reubenites, and thirty with him.” This brief mention situates Adina as one of David’s mighty warriors, a group of elite soldiers known for their exceptional bravery and skill in battle. Adina’s story, though not elaborated upon in great detail, provides insight into the broader narrative of King David’s reign and the establishment of Israel as a powerful kingdom.

The Time of the Divided Monarchy

Adina and his father, Shiza, lived during the period of the Divided Monarchy in Israel. This era followed the united monarchy of Saul, David, and Solomon, and was characterized by the division of the kingdom into Israel (the northern kingdom) and Judah (the southern kingdom). This period was marked by political instability, frequent conflicts, and a fluctuating adherence to the worship of Yahweh.

The Meaning of Adina’s Name

The name Adina means “slender” or “delicate” in Hebrew, derived from the root word עָדִין (Adin). Despite the delicate nature implied by his name, Adina was recognized for his might and valor. This juxtaposition highlights a common biblical theme where names hold significant meaning, often contrasting with the individual’s role or actions.

Shiza: Adina’s Father

Shiza, Adina’s father, is also mentioned in the same verse. The name Shiza means “noble” or “precious” in Hebrew. Shiza’s inclusion in the biblical text as the father of a mighty warrior suggests he too was a man of notable standing and possibly a warrior in his own right.

Adina’s Role as a Mighty Warrior

Adina’s role as one of David’s mighty warriors places him in the esteemed company of men who were instrumental in David’s military campaigns. These warriors, often referred to as “David’s Mighty Men” or “The Thirty,” were a group of elite fighters who demonstrated exceptional loyalty and courage. Their feats are chronicled in passages such as 2 Samuel 23 and 1 Chronicles 11, detailing their bravery and key victories that helped secure David’s throne and expand his kingdom.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The Value of Faithfulness

Adina’s brief mention in the Bible underscores the value of faithfulness. Despite limited details about his life, his inclusion in the list of mighty warriors signifies his unwavering commitment to King David. Modern Christians can draw from this the importance of being faithful in their commitments, whether to God, their families, or their communities. Just as Adina was recognized for his dedication, believers today are called to be steadfast in their faith and service.

Courage in Adversity

Adina’s life as a warrior would have been filled with challenges and dangers. His example teaches modern Christians the importance of courage in the face of adversity. In a world where trials and tribulations are inevitable, Adina’s story encourages believers to stand firm and trust in God’s strength and protection.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Recognition of the Faithful

The inclusion of Adina in the Bible, albeit brief, illustrates that God recognizes and honors those who are faithful to Him. This serves as a reminder to modern Christians that their efforts, though they may seem small or insignificant, are seen and valued by God. The acknowledgment of Adina and Shiza’s contributions assures believers that their faithful service is meaningful and remembered by God.

The Importance of Community

Adina’s role within David’s group of mighty men highlights the significance of community and teamwork in accomplishing God’s purposes. Just as these warriors supported each other and worked together for a common goal, modern Christians are encouraged to build and maintain strong, supportive communities within their churches and faith groups.

Connection to Jesus Christ

The Ultimate Warrior

Adina’s story as a warrior who served his king foreshadows the ultimate warrior, Jesus Christ, who fought the greatest battle against sin and death. Jesus, often referred to as the “Lion of Judah,” exemplifies the perfect combination of strength and humility. Adina’s courage and dedication can remind Christians of Jesus’ sacrifice and victory on the cross, which provides the ultimate example of selfless service and triumph over evil.

Serving the King

Just as Adina served King David, modern Christians are called to serve Jesus Christ, the King of Kings. This service involves loyalty, obedience, and a willingness to follow Christ’s example in all aspects of life. Adina’s story encourages believers to dedicate their lives to serving Christ with the same fervor and commitment.


Adina and his father, Shiza, may only be briefly mentioned in the Bible, but their story is rich with lessons for modern Christians. Their faithfulness, courage, and dedication to their king provide a model for believers today. By understanding the historical context and the deeper meanings behind their names and actions, Christians can find inspiration in their own walk with God. Adina’s connection to the broader narrative of the Bible reinforces the themes of loyalty, bravery, and the importance of community, all of which are essential for living a life that honors God.

1 Chronicles 11:42: Adina son of Shiza the Reubenite, a chief of the Reubenites, and thirty with him.

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