
What was Admah in the Bible?

Admah is a biblical location mentioned in the Old Testament, known for its association with divine judgment. The name Admah (אדמה) in Hebrew means “earth” or “red earth.” This city, along with Sodom, Gomorrah, and Zeboim, was destroyed by God due to their pervasive wickedness and sinfulness (Genesis 10:19; Genesis 14:2, 8; Deuteronomy 29:23; Hosea 11:8).

Historical Context of Admah

Admah Among the Cities of the Plain

In Genesis 10:19, Admah is listed as one of the cities of the Canaanites. This city was part of a prosperous region in the plain of the Jordan River. The cities in this plain were known for their fertility and wealth, yet they were also infamous for their moral depravity.

The Battle of the Kings

In Genesis 14, we learn about the political and military turmoil involving Admah. King Chedorlaomer ruled over Admah and its neighboring cities. These cities, including Admah, rebelled against Chedorlaomer, leading to a significant conflict known as the battle of the kings. Chedorlaomer, along with allied kings, defeated the rebelling cities, including Sodom and Gomorrah, and took spoils of war and captives, including Lot, Abraham’s nephew. Abraham, displaying remarkable courage and faith, pursued these kings and rescued Lot (Genesis 14:1-16).

Divine Destruction and Its Aftermath

Deuteronomy 29:23 recounts the destruction of Admah, Sodom, Gomorrah, and Zeboim, highlighting the severity of God’s judgment. The land was described as covered with sulfur and salt, rendering it barren and unproductive. This imagery serves as a powerful testament to the devastating consequences of sin and rebellion against God.

Prophetic Warnings and Symbolism

Hosea’s Prophecy

The prophet Hosea references Admah in Hosea 11:8 within a prophetic context. Hosea uses the destruction of Admah and Zeboim as a somber warning to Israel. He implores the Israelites to turn from their idolatry and rebellion, reminding them of the catastrophic fate that befell these cities due to their disobedience. This comparison underscores God’s just nature but also His profound sorrow over the impending judgment of His people.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The Consequences of Sin

The story of Admah serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of sin. The destruction of Admah and its neighboring cities is a biblical illustration of how persistent wickedness and disobedience invite God’s judgment. For modern Christians, this is a call to examine our lives, repent from sin, and seek to live in righteousness and obedience to God’s commands.

God’s Justice and Mercy

While Admah’s story emphasizes divine justice, it also subtly highlights God’s mercy. Abraham’s intervention to save Lot is a testament to God’s willingness to rescue the righteous amidst judgment. This reinforces the hope and assurance that God is both just and merciful, always ready to save those who turn to Him in faith and repentance.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Reluctance to Destroy

In Hosea 11:8, we see a glimpse of God’s compassionate heart. Despite His righteous anger, God expresses a reluctance to completely destroy His people, reflecting His deep love and desire for their repentance and restoration. This demonstrates that God’s ultimate goal is not destruction but reconciliation and redemption.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Foreshadowing Salvation

The rescue of Lot by Abraham foreshadows the greater salvation brought by Jesus Christ. Just as Abraham intervened to save his nephew, Jesus intervenes on behalf of humanity, offering salvation from the ultimate judgment of sin. Christ’s sacrificial death and resurrection provide a way for believers to escape eternal condemnation and receive the gift of eternal life.

The Call to Righteousness

Jesus’ teachings often reflect the themes of repentance and righteousness seen in the story of Admah. He calls His followers to live lives that honor God, avoiding the pitfalls of sin that led to the destruction of cities like Admah. Through Christ, believers are empowered to live in a way that pleases God, walking in the light of His truth.


The biblical account of Admah is more than an ancient story; it is a profound lesson on the gravity of sin, the justice of God, and the hope of redemption. For modern Christians, it serves as a call to live righteously, acknowledging both God’s justice and His boundless mercy. Through a deeper understanding of these biblical truths, believers can draw closer to God, living lives that reflect His holiness and grace.

Where was Admah in the Bible?

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