
Who was Adnah in the Bible?

The name Adnah (עַדְנָה) appears in the Old Testament, identifying two distinct individuals whose actions and roles provide valuable lessons on loyalty, courage, and faithfulness. Their stories highlight the importance of aligning oneself with God’s chosen leaders and being dedicated to spreading God’s teachings.

Adnah: One of David’s Warriors

Context of David’s Struggle

In 1 Chronicles 12:20, Adnah is mentioned as one of the warriors who came to David at Ziklag while he was hiding from King Saul. David, the anointed future king of Israel, was in a period of great turmoil and uncertainty. Saul, the reigning king, viewed David as a threat and sought to kill him. Despite these challenges, David attracted a group of loyal and courageous men who believed in his divine appointment.

Loyalty and Support

Adnah, along with other warriors, joined David in his cause, demonstrating remarkable loyalty and support. These men were not only skilled in battle but also dedicated to the rightful king. Their decision to align with David was a testament to their faith in God’s plan and their recognition of David’s God-given leadership (1 Chronicles 12:18-21).

Strengthening David’s Army

Adnah’s contribution to David’s forces was significant. These warriors provided the necessary strength and morale boost to David’s army during a critical time. Their expertise and bravery helped solidify David’s position and prepare him for his eventual ascent to the throne. The loyalty of Adnah and his fellow warriors underscores the importance of supporting God’s chosen leaders and being willing to stand firm in times of adversity.

Adnah: A Teacher under King Jehoshaphat

Jehoshaphat’s Religious Reforms

In 2 Chronicles 17:14, another Adnah is mentioned as an official and warrior appointed by King Jehoshaphat of Judah. Jehoshaphat was a king committed to spiritual renewal and strengthening the faith of his people. He initiated a series of reforms to teach the law of the Lord throughout Judah, ensuring that the people understood and adhered to God’s commandments.

Role in Teaching the Law

Adnah’s appointment as one of the officials to teach the law highlights his dedication to spreading God’s Word. This role was crucial in maintaining the spiritual health of the nation. By educating the people on God’s laws, Adnah and his colleagues helped to foster a community grounded in righteousness and obedience to God (2 Chronicles 17:7-9).

Lessons for the Modern Christian

Loyalty and Faith in Leadership

Adnah’s loyalty to David teaches modern Christians the value of supporting and standing with God’s chosen leaders. In contemporary terms, this can translate to supporting spiritual leaders, pastors, and those who are genuinely working towards God’s purposes. Loyalty, when aligned with God’s will, strengthens the community and furthers God’s plans.

Importance of Teaching and Learning God’s Word

The second Adnah’s role under Jehoshaphat underscores the importance of teaching and learning God’s Word. Modern Christians are called to immerse themselves in the Scriptures and to share their understanding with others. This continual engagement with God’s Word helps to build a strong, faithful community that lives according to His commandments.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Provision of Leadership and Guidance

The stories of both Adnahs reflect God’s provision of leadership and guidance for His people. Through David, God provided a king after His own heart, and through Jehoshaphat, He ensured that His laws were taught and upheld. These narratives illustrate God’s ongoing care and provision for His people, guiding them through chosen leaders and teachers.

God’s Desire for a Faithful Community

God’s appointment of leaders and teachers, as seen in the lives of the Adnahs, shows His desire for a faithful and obedient community. God’s love is evident in His efforts to ensure that His people are led and taught in ways that draw them closer to Him and align their lives with His will.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Christ as the Fulfillment of Divine Leadership

The loyalty shown to David and the teaching of God’s laws under Jehoshaphat point to the ultimate fulfillment in Jesus Christ. Jesus is the perfect leader and teacher, embodying God’s will and providing the ultimate example of righteousness. Just as Adnah supported David and taught under Jehoshaphat, Christians are called to follow and learn from Christ, who is the culmination of God’s plan for His people.

The Great Commission

The teaching role of Adnah under Jehoshaphat foreshadows the Great Commission given by Jesus to His disciples. Christians are commanded to go into all the world and teach the gospel, making disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20). This commission is a continuation of the teaching ministry seen in the Old Testament, now fully realized in Christ.


The figures of Adnah in the Bible, though briefly mentioned, provide profound insights into loyalty, faithfulness, and the importance of teaching God’s Word. Their actions during critical periods of Israel’s history underscore the need for support of godly leadership and dedication to spreading God’s laws. For modern Christians, the lessons from Adnah’s life serve as reminders to stand firm in faith, support God’s chosen leaders, and actively engage in teaching and learning the Scriptures. Through these actions, believers can reflect the love and sovereignty of God, following the ultimate example set by Jesus Christ.

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