
Who Was Agabus in the Bible?

A Man Living at the Time of the New Testament

Agabus, a figure mentioned in the New Testament, is known for his role as a prophet within the early Christian community. His presence is noted in the Book of Acts, where he is depicted as having the gift of prophecy, a spiritual gift that allowed him to convey God’s messages to His people. Agabus appears specifically in Acts 11:28 and Acts 21:10, where his prophecies have significant impacts on the Christian community.

Prophecy of Famine

The first mention of Agabus is found in Acts 11:28. Here, Agabus stands up and, through the Spirit, predicts a severe famine that would spread over the entire Roman world. This prophecy is notable because it was fulfilled during the reign of Emperor Claudius. The Greek term for prophet used here is “προφήτης” (prophētēs), indicating someone who speaks forth by divine inspiration. The fulfillment of Agabus’ prophecy validated his role as a true prophet of God, demonstrating his spiritual gift and the divine insight he was granted. This event led the disciples to take action, providing aid to the brothers living in Judea, showing the practical impact of prophecy on the early Christian community.

Foretelling Paul’s Suffering

Agabus appears again in Acts 21:10-11, during Paul’s visit to Caesarea. Here, he dramatically illustrates his prophecy by taking Paul’s belt and binding his own feet and hands, saying, “The Holy Spirit says, ‘In this way the Jews of Jerusalem will bind the owner of this belt and will hand him over to the Gentiles.’” This prophecy accurately predicted Paul’s arrest and subsequent suffering in Jerusalem. The vivid nature of Agabus’ prophecy underscored the imminent danger awaiting Paul and demonstrated the seriousness of the prophetic message.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The Importance of Prophecy

Agabus’ role in the New Testament serves as a profound reminder of the importance of prophecy within the Christian faith. Prophecy, as a gift from the Holy Spirit, is not merely about foretelling future events but also about guiding, warning, and edifying the community of believers. For modern Christians, the example of Agabus highlights the need to value and discern prophetic messages. It calls believers to be attentive to God’s voice, whether it comes through Scripture, the inner prompting of the Holy Spirit, or the prophetic words of others within the Christian community.

Connection to a Loving God

Agabus’ prophecies also underscore the relationship between God and His people. The Hebrew term for prophet is “נָבִיא” (navi), which signifies someone who is called or inspired. Through prophets like Agabus, God demonstrated His care and concern for His people, providing them with guidance and warning to prepare them for future challenges. This connection to a loving God is evident in how the early Christians responded to Agabus’ prophecies by taking practical steps to support one another. Modern Christians are reminded of God’s continuous care and His desire to communicate with His people, guiding them through life’s uncertainties.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Agabus’ prophecies also have a direct connection to Jesus Christ. His predictions, particularly concerning Paul, resonate with the suffering and trials that Christ Himself endured. Jesus foretold that His followers would face persecution and hardships (John 16:33), and Agabus’ prophecy about Paul is a tangible example of this truth. Moreover, Paul’s willingness to face these trials reflects Christ’s own submission to the Father’s will, providing a model of faith and obedience for Christians today.


In conclusion, Agabus was a significant figure in the early Christian church, known for his gift of prophecy and his accurate foretelling of future events. His role underscores the importance of spiritual gifts, particularly prophecy, in the life of the church. For modern Christians, Agabus serves as a reminder of the need to be open to God’s messages, to value prophetic voices, and to trust in God’s guidance. Through the example of Agabus, believers are encouraged to deepen their connection with a loving God and to follow the path of obedience and faith exemplified by Jesus Christ. Agabus’ legacy is a testament to the power and relevance of prophecy in the life of every believer.


Acts 11:28

Acts 21:10

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