
Who was Ammizabad in the Bible?

Ammizabad is a relatively obscure figure mentioned in the Bible in 1 Chronicles 27:6. He lived during the time of the United Monarchy, serving under King David. The verse states: “Benaiah son of Jehoiada was over the Kerethites and Pelethites; and David’s sons were chief officials at the king’s side.” While Ammizabad is not directly named in this verse, his inclusion in the broader context of officials and commanders highlights his role in the administration of King David’s reign.

Biblical Context and Significance

1 Chronicles 27 provides a detailed list of the military divisions and leaders who served King David. This chapter outlines the organization of Israel’s army and the key figures who held positions of authority. Ammizabad’s mention, though brief, indicates his significance within this administrative structure. He was likely a man of influence, entrusted with responsibilities that contributed to the effective governance of the kingdom.

The Role of Ammizabad

While the Bible does not offer extensive details about Ammizabad’s specific duties or background, his presence in this list suggests he was an important figure in David’s military and administrative network. Being listed among the chief officials implies that Ammizabad played a role in supporting the stability and success of David’s reign.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The Importance of Every Role

Ammizabad’s brief mention in the Bible highlights the significance of every individual’s role within God’s plan. Even though he is not as prominent as other biblical figures, his contribution was vital to the administration of David’s kingdom. Modern Christians can learn that every role in the body of Christ is important. As Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 12:12-27, each member of the body has a unique function, and all are necessary for the healthy functioning of the church.

Faithfulness in Service

Though Ammizabad is not widely known, his inclusion in the list of David’s officials suggests he was faithful in his duties. Christians today are encouraged to serve faithfully in whatever capacity they are called, knowing that their efforts contribute to the greater mission of the church. Colossians 3:23-24 reminds believers to work heartily as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that their reward comes from God.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Sovereignty in Appointing Leaders

Ammizabad’s role during the United Monarchy underscores God’s sovereignty in appointing leaders and officials. God orchestrates the placement of individuals in specific roles to fulfill His purposes. This principle reassures believers that God is in control, guiding and directing His people according to His divine plan.

God’s Care for the Community

The detailed organization of David’s kingdom, including the roles of figures like Ammizabad, reflects God’s care for His people. By establishing a well-ordered administration, God ensured the well-being and stability of Israel. This serves as a reminder of God’s concern for order and provision in the lives of His followers.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Christ as the Ultimate Leader

While Ammizabad served as an official under King David, Jesus Christ is the ultimate leader and King. Christ’s leadership surpasses that of any earthly king, embodying perfect wisdom, justice, and love. As believers follow Christ, they are called to emulate His example of servant leadership, prioritizing the needs of others and advancing God’s kingdom.

The Body of Christ

The inclusion of various officials and leaders in the administration of David’s kingdom points to the diverse roles within the body of Christ. Just as Ammizabad played a specific role in supporting David’s reign, every believer has a unique function within the church. Ephesians 4:11-13 speaks of the different gifts given to believers to equip the saints for ministry and build up the body of Christ.


Ammizabad, though briefly mentioned in 1 Chronicles 27:6, played a significant role in the administration of King David’s kingdom. His inclusion in the list of officials underscores the importance of every role within God’s plan and the necessity of faithful service. For modern Christians, Ammizabad’s story serves as a reminder of the value of each individual’s contribution, the faithfulness required in serving God, and the assurance of God’s sovereignty and care. Ultimately, Ammizabad’s role points to the greater leadership of Jesus Christ and the diverse functions within the body of Christ, encouraging believers to serve wholeheartedly and trust in God’s divine plan.

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