
Who Was Apelles in the Bible?

Apelles, mentioned in Romans 16:10, is a figure in the New Testament who is noted for his tested and approved character. Although his name appears only briefly, the description provided by the Apostle Paul offers valuable insights into his significance within the early Christian community. Paul’s commendation of Apelles as a man who has been “approved in Christ” (Romans 16:10, ESV) suggests that Apelles was recognized for his faithfulness, integrity, and steadfastness in his walk with God.

The Context of Apelles’ Mention

The Early Christian Community in Rome

The letter to the Romans, written by the Apostle Paul, is one of the most profound theological texts in the New Testament. In Romans 16, Paul extends greetings to various members of the Christian community in Rome, highlighting their contributions and significance. Among these names is Apelles, whom Paul singles out for his tested and approved faith. This suggests that Apelles had undergone trials or challenges and had demonstrated unwavering commitment to Christ.

Biblical Reference

Romans 16:10 states, “Greet Apelles, who is approved in Christ. Greet those who belong to the household of Aristobulus.” The Greek name Apelles (Ἀπελλῆς, Apellēs) reflects his likely Hellenistic background, which was common in the diverse and cosmopolitan city of Rome. This brief mention highlights his faithfulness and approval by the Christian community.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

Faithfulness and Integrity

The brief mention of Apelles serves as a powerful reminder of the virtues of faithfulness and integrity. Despite the lack of detailed information about his life, his commendation by Paul emphasizes the importance of being reliable and steadfast in one’s Christian walk. Modern Christians are encouraged to emulate these qualities, knowing that even seemingly small acts of faithfulness are significant in God’s eyes.

Importance of Every Believer

Apelles’ inclusion in Paul’s greetings underscores the value of every believer in the body of Christ. Regardless of one’s prominence or visibility, each person’s contribution is vital to the growth and mission of the Church. This is a poignant reminder that God values faithfulness over fame and that every believer has a role to play in advancing His Kingdom.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Approval

Apelles is described as “approved in Christ,” indicating that his life had been tested and found pleasing to God. This approval reflects God’s intimate knowledge of and care for His people. It serves as a reminder that God sees and values our faithfulness, even when it goes unnoticed by others. Modern Christians can find comfort in knowing that their efforts to live righteously and serve others are recognized and valued by God.

Encouragement in Trials

The mention of Apelles’ approved status implies that he faced and overcame trials. This can encourage modern believers who are enduring difficulties, reminding them that God uses trials to refine and strengthen their faith. James 1:12 (NIV) states, “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.”

Connection to Jesus Christ

Unity in Christ

Apelles’ faithfulness and approval are rooted in his relationship with Christ. This underscores the centrality of Jesus in the life of every believer. It is through Christ that believers are approved and made righteous. Romans 5:1 (NIV) affirms, “Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Role in the Early Church

While the Bible provides limited information about Apelles, his mention in Romans 16:10 suggests that he played a significant role in the early Church. His faithfulness would have been an example to others and a testimony to the transformative power of Christ. Modern Christians can draw inspiration from Apelles’ example, striving to serve faithfully within their communities and reflect Christ’s love to those around them.


In conclusion, Apelles’ brief mention in Romans 16:10 offers a rich source of lessons for modern Christians. His approved status highlights the virtues of faithfulness, integrity, and steadfastness. Despite the limited information about his life, Apelles serves as a reminder of the value of every believer’s contribution to the body of Christ. His example encourages Christians to remain faithful in their walk with God, confident that their efforts are recognized and valued by Him. Ultimately, Apelles points us to the centrality of Jesus Christ, through whom we are approved and made righteous.

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