
Who Was Apphia in the Bible?

Apphia is a woman mentioned in the New Testament, specifically in the book of Philemon verse 2. This verse reads, “to Apphia our sister, to Archippus our fellow soldier and to the church that meets in your home” (Philemon 1:2, NIV). Despite the brief mention, Apphia’s inclusion in Paul’s letter provides significant insights into her role and the early Christian community.

Biblical Reference

The Greek name Ἀπφία (Apphia) suggests she was a prominent woman within the early church. Philemon 1:2 states: “to Apphia our sister, to Archippus our fellow soldier, and to the church that meets in your home.” Her mention alongside Archippus and in the context of a house church indicates her importance and active participation in the Christian community.

Apphia’s Role in the Early Church

A Respected Member of the Community

Apphia is referred to as “our sister,” signifying her respected status within the faith community. This term implies a close bond and equality in the spiritual family of believers. Her mention alongside Archippus, who is described as a “fellow soldier,” indicates that she was involved in the ministry and likely played a significant role in supporting the early church.

Host of a House Church

The phrase “the church that meets in your home” suggests that Apphia, along with Philemon and possibly Archippus, hosted a house church. This was a common practice in the early Christian community, where believers gathered in homes for worship, teaching, and fellowship. Hosting a house church required hospitality, leadership, and a commitment to the growth and nurturing of the Christian faith.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The Role of Women in Ministry

Apphia’s mention in Philemon highlights the important role women played in the early church. Despite the cultural limitations of the time, women like Apphia were active participants in ministry and essential to the functioning of the church. Modern Christians can learn from Apphia’s example by recognizing and valuing the contributions of women in the church today.

Importance of Hospitality

Hosting a house church required significant hospitality and a willingness to serve others. Apphia’s example teaches modern Christians the value of opening their homes and lives to fellow believers, fostering a sense of community and support within the church. Hospitality remains a vital aspect of Christian life, encouraging unity and growth among believers.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Inclusion of All Believers

Apphia’s inclusion in Paul’s letter reflects God’s inclusive nature. The early church consisted of diverse individuals, all of whom were integral to its mission and growth. This demonstrates that God values each believer’s contribution, regardless of gender or social status. Modern Christians are reminded that everyone has a role to play in God’s kingdom.

God’s Provision for the Church

The mention of Apphia and the house church illustrates how God provides for His church through the willing hearts of His people. God equips and empowers individuals to serve in various capacities, ensuring the church’s needs are met. This reassures believers that God will provide the resources and people necessary for His work.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Following Christ’s Example

Apphia’s service in the early church reflects the example set by Jesus Christ, who valued and included women in His ministry. Jesus often broke cultural norms to affirm the worth and dignity of women. Apphia’s role in the church aligns with Christ’s inclusive approach, emphasizing that all believers are called to follow His example of love and service.

The Body of Christ

The New Testament frequently refers to the church as the body of Christ, with each member playing a unique and vital role. Apphia’s mention in Philemon highlights this truth, illustrating that every believer, regardless of their role, is essential to the functioning and health of the church. Modern Christians are encouraged to recognize their place in the body of Christ and actively participate in the mission of the church.


Apphia, though mentioned briefly in the book of Philemon, is a significant figure in the New Testament. Her role as a host of a house church and a respected member of the early Christian community underscores the importance of hospitality, service, and the contributions of women in the church. Apphia’s inclusion in Paul’s letter to Philemon highlights God’s inclusive nature and the vital role of each believer in the body of Christ. Her example encourages modern Christians to value their spiritual heritage, participate actively in their faith communities, and trust in God’s provision and guidance in their lives.

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