
Who Was Arioch in the Bible?

Arioch is a name that appears in the Old Testament, representing two distinct individuals who played significant roles in their respective narratives. Understanding these characters provides valuable insights into biblical history and the lessons that can be drawn from their stories.

Arioch, King of Ellasar

Genesis 14:1

In Genesis 14:1 (NIV), it states, “At the time when Amraphel was king of Shinar, Arioch king of Ellasar, Kedorlaomer king of Elam and Tidal king of Goyim.” Arioch was one of the four kings who formed an alliance to wage war against a coalition of five kings, including those of Sodom and Gomorrah. This alliance and subsequent conflict are significant as they set the stage for the rescue of Lot by Abram (later Abraham).


The location of Ellasar is unknown today, but it is mentioned alongside significant ancient kingdoms such as Elam and Shinar. The coalition led by Kedorlaomer and joined by Arioch represents the geopolitical dynamics of the time, with powerful kings asserting dominance over smaller city-states.

Arioch, Captain of Nebuchadnezzar’s Guard

Daniel 2:14

In Daniel 2:14 (NIV), it reads, “When Arioch, the commander of the king’s guard, had gone out to put to death the wise men of Babylon, Daniel spoke to him with wisdom and tact.” This Arioch is identified as the captain of King Nebuchadnezzar’s guard, tasked with executing the wise men of Babylon because they could not interpret the king’s troubling dream.


Nebuchadnezzar, the powerful king of Babylon, had a disturbing dream that none of his wise men could interpret. In his fury, he ordered their execution. Arioch was the official responsible for carrying out this decree. However, Daniel, a young Hebrew captive, approached Arioch with wisdom and tact, requesting time to interpret the dream. Daniel’s subsequent interpretation not only spared the lives of the wise men but also elevated him and his friends to prominent positions in the Babylonian court.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The Role of Providence

The story of Arioch in Genesis and Daniel highlights God’s providence in guiding and protecting His people. In Genesis, Abram’s intervention to rescue Lot demonstrates God’s provision and protection over His chosen people. In Daniel, God’s revelation of the dream’s meaning to Daniel shows His control over events and His care for His faithful servants.

The Power of Faith and Wisdom

Daniel’s approach to Arioch exemplifies the importance of faith and wisdom. Daniel’s faith in God and his wise handling of a dangerous situation resulted in a miraculous outcome. Modern Christians are reminded to seek God’s wisdom in challenging circumstances and to trust in His guidance and provision.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Sovereignty and Justice

The narratives involving Arioch emphasize God’s sovereignty and justice. In the Genesis account, God’s intervention through Abram ensured justice and protection for Lot. In Daniel, God’s sovereignty is displayed through His revelation to Daniel, showcasing His power over kings and nations. These stories reassure believers of God’s ultimate control and His commitment to justice.

God’s Care for His People

Both stories illustrate God’s care for His people. In Genesis, God’s guidance of Abram to rescue Lot reflects His protective love. In Daniel, God’s provision of the dream’s interpretation to Daniel underscores His attentive care for those who are faithful to Him. These accounts encourage believers to trust in God’s loving care in all situations.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Jesus as the Ultimate Deliverer

The deliverance seen in both accounts foreshadows the ultimate deliverance provided by Jesus Christ. Just as Abram rescued Lot and Daniel was used to save the wise men, Jesus provides ultimate rescue from sin and death. His sacrificial love and victory over sin are the fulfillment of God’s redemptive plan.

The Wisdom of Christ

Daniel’s wisdom in dealing with Arioch points to the wisdom of Christ. Jesus, often referred to as the wisdom of God (1 Corinthians 1:24), exemplified perfect wisdom in His life and teachings. Believers are called to seek and emulate the wisdom of Christ in their lives.


Arioch, as mentioned in Genesis 14:1 and Daniel 2:14, represents two significant yet distinct figures in the Old Testament. The stories involving these individuals highlight God’s sovereignty, justice, and providence. They underscore the importance of faith, wisdom, and trust in God’s guidance. For modern Christians, these narratives offer valuable lessons on God’s care and the ultimate deliverance provided through Jesus Christ. By examining the roles and actions of Arioch within these biblical accounts, believers can gain deeper insights into God’s redemptive plan and the assurance of His loving sovereignty in their lives.

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