
Who Was Azubah in the Bible?

The name Azubah, derived from the Hebrew עֲזוּבָה (Azubah), means “forsaken” or “abandoned.” This name is mentioned twice in the Old Testament, referring to two distinct women associated with significant biblical figures. Despite the brevity of their mentions, these women played crucial roles in the lineage and history of Israel.

Azubah, Wife of Asa

Queen of Judah and Mother of Jehoshaphat

Azubah is first mentioned in 1 Kings 22:42 and 2 Chronicles 20:31 as the wife of Asa, king of Judah, and the daughter of Shilhi. She was the mother of Jehoshaphat, who succeeded Asa as king. Asa was known for his religious reforms and efforts to rid Judah of idolatry, and Jehoshaphat continued in his father’s footsteps, promoting worship of the true God and strengthening the kingdom. Azubah, therefore, is a matriarchal figure in the Davidic line, contributing to the spiritual heritage of Judah through her son Jehoshaphat.

Azubah, Wife of Caleb

A Matriarch in the Tribe of Judah

Another Azubah is mentioned in 1 Chronicles 2:18 as the wife of Caleb, a prominent figure from the tribe of Judah. Caleb is famously known for his faith and courage as one of the two spies, alongside Joshua, who gave a positive report about the Promised Land despite the fears of the other spies (Numbers 13:30). This Azubah was the mother of Jerioth, who bore several children, contributing to the genealogy of Judah. Her marriage to Caleb places her within a lineage noted for its faithfulness to God and its significance in Israel’s history.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The Role of Women in God’s Plan

The stories of Azubah highlight the often-overlooked contributions of women in biblical history. Although the Bible does not provide extensive details about these women, their roles as mothers and wives in significant families emphasize the importance of women in God’s redemptive plan. Modern Christians can draw inspiration from Azubah’s example, recognizing that faithfulness in familial roles can have far-reaching impacts on future generations.

The Legacy of Faithfulness

Both Azubahs are connected to men who exhibited remarkable faith in God—Asa, who led Judah back to worship the true God, and Caleb, known for his unwavering faith in God’s promises. Their stories remind believers that the faithfulness of individuals can influence entire communities and generations. Christians today are encouraged to live faithfully, understanding that their actions and faith can shape the spiritual legacy of their families and communities.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Faithfulness in Family Lineages

The inclusion of Azubah in the biblical narrative underscores God’s faithfulness in working through families. Through the lineage of Asa and Jehoshaphat, God preserved the Davidic line, fulfilling His promises despite the various challenges faced by the kingdom of Judah. Similarly, through Caleb’s line, God showed His faithfulness to those who trust in Him. This illustrates that God is actively involved in the lives of His people, working through family lineages to accomplish His purposes.

The Significance of Names

The name Azubah, meaning “forsaken,” might seem negative, but in the context of these women’s lives, it reflects the broader biblical theme of God’s redemption. Despite the name’s meaning, Azubah’s descendants were not forsaken by God; instead, they were integral to His plans for Israel. This serves as a reminder that God’s love and purposes can transform situations that seem abandoned or hopeless.

Connection to Jesus Christ

The Davidic Lineage and the Promise of the Messiah

Azubah, as the mother of Jehoshaphat, is part of the Davidic lineage leading to Jesus Christ. The lineage from David to Jesus is meticulously detailed in the Gospels, underscoring the fulfillment of God’s promise to bring forth a Savior from David’s line. This connection highlights the continuity of God’s redemptive plan, culminating in Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah who came to save humanity.

The Role of Women in Jesus’ Genealogy

The inclusion of women like Azubah in Jesus’ genealogy, though not always highlighted, is significant. It shows that God’s plan of salvation encompasses all people, regardless of gender. Women played crucial roles in the unfolding of God’s plan, from the Old Testament through to the New Testament. This inclusive aspect of Jesus’ genealogy reinforces the message of the Gospel—that salvation is available to all who believe, regardless of their background or gender.


The brief mentions of Azubah in the Bible offer a window into the lives of two women who played significant roles in the lineage and history of Israel. Their connections to notable biblical figures like Asa, Jehoshaphat, and Caleb highlight the importance of faithfulness and the significant impact of women in God’s redemptive plan. For modern Christians, Azubah’s story serves as a reminder of the importance of faithfulness in everyday roles, the inclusiveness of God’s love, and the fulfillment of His promises through Jesus Christ. As we reflect on these stories, we are encouraged to trust in God’s unchanging faithfulness and His ability to work through all circumstances for His divine purposes.

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