
Who was Bedad in the Bible?

In the intricate tapestry of biblical history, every name and event contributes to the grand narrative of God’s plan for humanity. One such figure, though briefly mentioned, is Bedad. His mention is found in the Old Testament, specifically in Genesis 36:35 and 1 Chronicles 1:46. Bedad is noted as a man living during the time of the Patriarchs and is recognized as the father of Hadad. Understanding Bedad’s place in the biblical narrative not only sheds light on the historical context of the time but also offers lessons and connections relevant to modern-day Christians.

Historical Context of Bedad

Bedad in the Time of the Patriarchs

Bedad lived during the era of the Patriarchs, a foundational period in biblical history encompassing figures like Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. His name appears in genealogies associated with Edom, a region linked to Esau, Jacob’s brother. The Hebrew name Bedad (בְּדַד) translates to “solitary” or “alone,” indicating a unique significance in his lineage.

Biblical References

Bedad’s mention in Genesis 36:35 states, “And when Husham died, Hadad the son of Bedad, who defeated Midian in the field of Moab, reigned in his place.” Similarly, 1 Chronicles 1:46 reiterates his position in the genealogical record. These references place Bedad within the context of the Edomite kings, emphasizing the detailed record-keeping of the Bible.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

God’s Sovereignty Over History

Bedad’s brief but intentional inclusion in the Bible underscores God’s sovereignty over history. Every individual, no matter how seemingly insignificant, has a role in God’s divine plan. For modern Christians, this teaches the importance of recognizing God’s hand in all aspects of life, trusting that He orchestrates everything according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).

The Importance of Genealogy

The genealogies in the Bible, including those mentioning Bedad, highlight the continuity and faithfulness of God’s promises across generations. They remind Christians today of their spiritual heritage and the importance of maintaining a legacy of faith for future generations (Psalm 145:4).

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Intricate Involvement

Bedad’s presence in the biblical narrative, though minimal, reflects the intricate involvement of God in the lives of individuals. This connection to a loving God is seen throughout the Bible, where even the smallest details contribute to the larger story of redemption and salvation. Christians are reminded of God’s intimate knowledge and care for each person, as stated in Matthew 10:30, where even the hairs on one’s head are numbered.

The Story of Redemption

Each figure in the Bible, including Bedad, plays a part in the overarching story of redemption. Bedad’s lineage, leading to Hadad and the Edomite kings, indirectly connects to the broader narrative of God’s dealings with Israel and the surrounding nations. This highlights the comprehensive nature of God’s redemptive plan, encompassing all peoples and nations (Revelation 7:9).

Connection to Jesus Christ

Lineage and Prophecy

While Bedad himself is not directly linked to the lineage of Jesus Christ, his inclusion in the genealogical records emphasizes the meticulous documentation of lineages that ultimately lead to Christ. The genealogy of Jesus, as presented in Matthew 1 and Luke 3, showcases the fulfillment of prophecies and the continuity of God’s promises from the Old Testament to the New Testament.

The Foreshadowing of Christ’s Reign

Bedad’s son, Hadad, who reigned in Edom, serves as a distant foreshadowing of Christ’s ultimate reign. While Hadad’s rule was earthly and temporal, it points to the eternal kingship of Jesus Christ, who reigns with justice and righteousness (Isaiah 9:7). This connection encourages Christians to look forward to the fulfillment of God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.


Bedad, though a minor figure in the Bible, holds a significant place in the historical and theological narrative of Scripture. His mention serves to highlight the detailed and purposeful nature of God’s Word, reminding modern Christians of God’s sovereignty, the importance of genealogy, and the overarching story of redemption. Through Bedad, believers are connected to a loving God who intricately weaves together the lives of individuals to fulfill His divine plan, culminating in the reign of Jesus Christ.

Genesis 36:35
1 Chronicles 1:46

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