
What Was Beer-lahai-roi in the Bible?

Beer-lahai-roi is a significant location mentioned in the Bible, specifically in the book of Genesis. The name Beer-lahai-roi (בְּאֵר לַחַי רֹאִי) translates to “well of the Living One who sees me.” This well is situated in the wilderness near Kadesh-barnea, a region known for its desolate and arid conditions. The significance of Beer-lahai-roi lies in its association with divine encounters and the demonstration of God’s care and provision for His people. This article explores the biblical events surrounding Beer-lahai-roi and its relevance to modern Christians.

Beer-lahai-roi Near Kadesh-barnea: A Place of Divine Encounter

The Encounter of Hagar

The first mention of Beer-lahai-roi occurs in Genesis 16:14. This well becomes a pivotal location in the story of Hagar, the Egyptian maidservant of Sarai (later Sarah), the wife of Abram (later Abraham). After being mistreated by Sarai, Hagar flees into the wilderness, where she encounters the angel of the Lord. The angel provides her with guidance and reassurance, telling her to return to Sarai and submit to her, and also promising that her descendants would be numerous. Genesis 16:13-14 records Hagar’s response: “She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: ‘You are the God who sees me,’ for she said, ‘I have now seen the One who sees me.’ That is why the well was called Beer Lahai Roi; it is still there, between Kadesh and Bered.”

The Significance of the Name

The name Beer-lahai-roi, “well of the Living One who sees me,” encapsulates the essence of Hagar’s experience. It signifies God’s omnipresence and His compassionate awareness of the plight of individuals, even those who might seem insignificant in the broader narrative. This well becomes a symbol of God’s attentiveness and His readiness to provide guidance and care.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

God’s Presence in Difficult Times

The story of Hagar at Beer-lahai-roi is a powerful reminder that God is present in our most challenging and isolating moments. Just as God saw Hagar’s distress and provided her with comfort and direction, He sees and cares for His people today. For modern Christians, this truth can bring great comfort, especially during times of trial and uncertainty. Psalm 139:7-10 beautifully captures this idea, affirming that there is nowhere one can go to escape God’s presence.

The Value of Every Person

Hagar, as an Egyptian servant, might have been considered an outsider in the context of the Abrahamic covenant. However, her encounter with God at Beer-lahai-roi highlights that God’s compassion and care extend to all people, regardless of their status or background. This serves as a reminder to modern Christians that every person is valuable in God’s eyes and deserving of compassion and respect. Galatians 3:28 emphasizes this inclusive aspect of the Christian faith, stating, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Compassionate Nature

Beer-lahai-roi is not just a geographical location but a testament to God’s compassionate nature. The encounter between Hagar and the angel of the Lord reveals a God who is deeply concerned with the suffering and well-being of His creation. This compassion is a consistent theme throughout the Bible, as seen in passages like Exodus 34:6, where God describes Himself as “The Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.”

Assurance of God’s Guidance

The guidance provided to Hagar at Beer-lahai-roi also underscores God’s willingness to lead and direct His people. This guidance is available to all who seek it, as promised in James 1:5, which says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” The well at Beer-lahai-roi serves as a physical manifestation of God’s promise to provide for and guide His people.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Christ as the Living Water

Beer-lahai-roi, a well that provided physical water and relief to Hagar, can be seen as a precursor to the spiritual sustenance offered by Jesus Christ. In John 4:13-14, Jesus describes Himself as the source of “living water” that satisfies spiritual thirst. Just as the well was a place of physical refreshment, Jesus offers spiritual renewal and eternal life to those who believe in Him.

The Universality of God’s Love

The encounter at Beer-lahai-roi also foreshadows the inclusivity of the gospel message brought by Jesus. Just as Hagar, an Egyptian, received God’s attention and care, the New Testament reveals that Jesus came for all people, regardless of nationality or social status. This universality is echoed in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”


Beer-lahai-roi, though a singular mention in the Bible, carries deep theological and spiritual significance. It serves as a reminder of God’s omnipresence, compassion, and willingness to guide His people through difficult times. For modern Christians, the story of Hagar at this well encourages trust in God’s care and a recognition of the value of every individual. Furthermore, it points forward to the ultimate provision found in Jesus Christ, the source of living water, who offers eternal life and inclusivity in the kingdom of God. The narrative of Beer-lahai-roi continues to inspire believers to seek God’s guidance and trust in His ever-present care.

Where was Beer-lahai-roi in the Bible?

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