
Who Was Beera in the Bible?

Beera is a relatively obscure figure mentioned in the Bible, specifically in 1 Chronicles 7:37. He is noted as a member of the tribe of Asher during the time of the Divided Monarchy. Although the Bible provides limited information about Beera, his inclusion in the genealogical records underscores the importance of every individual in God’s grand narrative. This article explores the significance of Beera’s mention, the context of the genealogies, and the lessons we can draw from this seemingly minor biblical figure.

Beera in the Biblical Context

The Tribe of Asher

Beera is listed in the genealogy of the tribe of Asher, one of the twelve tribes of Israel. Asher was one of the sons of Jacob, and the tribe that descended from him was known for its prosperity and abundant blessings (Genesis 49:20). In 1 Chronicles 7:37, Beera is identified as the son of Zophah and the brother of Suah, Harnepher, Shual, Beri, Imrah, Bezer, Hod, Shamma, Shilshah, and Ithran. This passage situates Beera within a broader family context, highlighting his place in the lineage of Asher.

The Importance of Genealogies

The genealogies in the Bible, such as the one in 1 Chronicles 7, served multiple purposes. They were crucial for establishing legal rights, determining priestly and royal lineages, and underscoring the fulfillment of God’s covenant promises. In the case of Beera, his mention in the genealogy emphasizes the meticulous record-keeping of the Israelite tribes and the continuity of God’s covenant with His people.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The Value of Every Individual

Beera’s brief mention in the Bible serves as a reminder that every person, regardless of their prominence in the biblical narrative, plays a role in God’s plan. In a world that often values fame and recognition, the inclusion of figures like Beera in the Scriptures reminds believers that significance in God’s eyes is not measured by earthly standards. This truth encourages modern Christians to appreciate the unique role they play in God’s kingdom, regardless of their position or visibility. As stated in 1 Corinthians 12:22, “On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable.”

Faithfulness in the Details

The genealogical records, including the mention of Beera, demonstrate God’s faithfulness in keeping detailed records of His chosen people. This attention to detail reflects God’s care for every aspect of our lives, encouraging believers to trust in His meticulous sovereignty. The assurance that God notices and records every detail of His people’s lives can be a great comfort, particularly in times of feeling overlooked or insignificant.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Faithfulness Across Generations

Beera’s inclusion in the genealogical record of 1 Chronicles 7:37 highlights the faithfulness of God in maintaining His covenant promises across generations. Despite the fluctuating faithfulness of the Israelites, God remained steadfast in His commitments. This serves as a powerful reminder to modern Christians of God’s enduring faithfulness and His unchanging nature. As Hebrews 13:8 affirms, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”

The Broader Community of Believers

The genealogies in the Bible, including the one mentioning Beera, illustrate the interconnectedness of the Israelite tribes and families. This interconnectedness is a reflection of the broader community of believers, both in the Old Testament and today. It reminds Christians that they are part of a larger spiritual family, united in Christ. This unity is expressed in passages like Ephesians 4:4-6, which speaks of one body, one Spirit, and one hope.

Connection to Jesus Christ

The Lineage Leading to Christ

While Beera is not directly linked to the lineage of Jesus Christ, his place in the genealogical records of the tribe of Asher underscores the importance of lineage in the biblical narrative. The genealogies in the Old Testament set the stage for the fulfillment of messianic prophecies in the New Testament. They demonstrate God’s careful orchestration of history, leading to the birth of Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah.

The Inclusivity of the Gospel

The mention of diverse individuals and families in the biblical genealogies, including Beera, reflects the inclusive nature of God’s redemptive plan. In the New Testament, this inclusivity is further emphasized by Jesus Christ, who offers salvation to all people, regardless of their background or heritage. This is encapsulated in John 3:16, which declares that “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”


Beera, though a minor figure in the Bible, serves as an important reminder of the value of every individual in God’s grand narrative. His inclusion in the genealogical record of 1 Chronicles 7:37 underscores the meticulous care with which God records the history of His people and the continuity of His covenant promises. For modern Christians, the story of Beera encourages faithfulness in the details of life, trust in God’s unwavering faithfulness, and an appreciation of the interconnectedness of the body of Christ. Ultimately, it points to the fulfillment of God’s redemptive plan in Jesus Christ, who brings together all people into one family under His grace.

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