
Who Was Behemoth in the Bible?

Behemoth is a mysterious and formidable creature mentioned in the Bible, specifically in the book of Job, chapter 40, verses 15-24. The name Behemoth comes from the Hebrew word בְּהֵמוֹת (Behemot), which is often translated as “beast” or “large animal.” This creature is described in vivid detail, highlighting its immense strength and size. Behemoth is frequently interpreted as a symbol of God’s creative power and sovereignty, challenging human understanding and control over nature. This article explores the biblical description of Behemoth, its symbolic meaning, and the lessons it offers to modern Christians.

The Description of Behemoth in the Bible

Behemoth’s Characteristics

In Job 40:15-24, God describes Behemoth to Job as a demonstration of His power and the wonders of His creation. The passage provides a detailed description of Behemoth:

“Look at Behemoth, which I made along with you and which feeds on grass like an ox. What strength it has in its loins, what power in the muscles of its belly! Its tail sways like a cedar; the sinews of its thighs are close-knit. Its bones are tubes of bronze, its limbs like rods of iron.” (Job 40:15-18, NIV)

This description emphasizes Behemoth’s incredible strength, massive size, and power. The creature’s diet of grass, akin to that of an ox, suggests it is a herbivore, yet its formidable build evokes awe and respect. The imagery of its tail “swaying like a cedar” and bones as “tubes of bronze” underscore its majestic and indomitable nature.

Symbolic Interpretations

The exact identity of Behemoth has been the subject of much debate among scholars. Some suggest it could be a hippopotamus or an elephant, while others see it as a mythological or symbolic representation rather than a literal animal. Regardless of its exact nature, the primary purpose of Behemoth in the narrative is to illustrate God’s unparalleled power and the limitations of human understanding.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

Recognizing God’s Sovereignty

The depiction of Behemoth serves as a powerful reminder of God’s sovereignty over all creation. The creature’s overwhelming strength and size are meant to highlight the vast difference between God’s capabilities and human limitations. For modern Christians, this lesson underscores the importance of humility and reverence before God. It encourages believers to acknowledge that God’s ways and thoughts are far beyond human comprehension, as expressed in Isaiah 55:8-9: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.”

Trusting in God’s Wisdom

The story of Behemoth also challenges believers to trust in God’s wisdom, especially in times of uncertainty and confusion. Just as Job was confronted with the mysteries of God’s creation and power, Christians today are reminded that there are aspects of life and the world that are beyond human understanding. This call to trust is echoed in Proverbs 3:5-6, which advises, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Care for Creation

The detailed description of Behemoth not only highlights God’s power but also His care for all aspects of creation. By drawing attention to Behemoth’s creation alongside humans, the text suggests that God takes delight in all His creatures, great and small. This serves as a reminder to Christians of God’s providential care and the inherent value of all life. Matthew 10:29-31 illustrates this idea, noting that even the sparrows are cared for by God, and humans are of even greater value.

The Limits of Human Control

Behemoth’s portrayal also emphasizes the limits of human control over the natural world. In the narrative, God points out that no one can capture or tame Behemoth (Job 40:24). This imagery reflects the broader theme of the book of Job, which addresses the limits of human knowledge and the mystery of God’s governance. It encourages believers to live with a sense of wonder and respect for the world God has made, recognizing that not all things are meant to be controlled or understood.

Connection to Jesus Christ

The Revelation of God’s Power and Authority

In the New Testament, Jesus Christ is the ultimate revelation of God’s power and authority. While Behemoth serves as a symbol of God’s might in the natural world, Jesus demonstrates God’s power over all creation, including nature, life, and death. The calming of the storm in Mark 4:39, where Jesus commands the wind and the waves to be still, echoes the awe-inspiring power attributed to Behemoth. This connection highlights that in Christ, believers see the full expression of God’s authority and care.

The Call to Trust in Christ

Just as the story of Behemoth calls for trust in God’s wisdom and sovereignty, Jesus invites believers to place their trust in Him. In Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus offers rest to those who are weary and burdened, assuring them of His gentle and humble heart. This invitation mirrors the message conveyed through Behemoth: that despite the mysteries and challenges of life, believers can find peace and assurance in God’s providence and care, fully revealed in Jesus Christ.


Behemoth, as described in the book of Job, serves as a powerful symbol of God’s incomprehensible greatness and the limits of human understanding. The creature’s immense strength and majesty highlight God’s sovereignty over creation and challenge believers to trust in His wisdom and providence. For modern Christians, the lessons from Behemoth’s narrative are clear: to recognize and revere God’s unmatched power, to trust in His divine wisdom, and to rest in the knowledge of His care for all creation. Ultimately, the awe-inspiring attributes of Behemoth point to the greater revelation of God’s power and love in Jesus Christ, encouraging believers to find their hope and confidence in Him.

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