
Who Was Ben-hail in the Bible?

Context of the Divided Monarchy

Ben-hail is a biblical figure mentioned briefly in 2 Chronicles 17:7. He lived during the time of the Divided Monarchy, a period following the reign of King Solomon when the unified kingdom of Israel split into two: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. This division was led by Jeroboam in the north and Rehoboam, Solomon’s son, in the south. The period was marked by political instability, religious reforms, and various conflicts.

Ben-hail’s Role and Significance

Ben-hail is listed as one of the officials sent by King Jehoshaphat of Judah to teach in the cities of Judah. The name “Ben-hail” (בֶּן־הָיִל) in Hebrew means “son of valor” or “son of strength.” The passage in 2 Chronicles 17:7 mentions that King Jehoshaphat appointed Ben-hail along with other leaders, Levites, and priests to instruct the people in the Law of the Lord. This initiative was part of Jehoshaphat’s religious reforms aimed at strengthening the spiritual life of the nation and ensuring that the people adhered to the teachings of the Torah.

Although Ben-hail is not a prominent biblical figure and his mention is brief, his inclusion in this context highlights the importance of teaching and upholding God’s law during a time of national division and religious confusion. The mission of Ben-hail and his colleagues was crucial in guiding the people back to faithful worship and obedience to God’s commandments.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The Importance of Biblical Teaching

The story of Ben-hail underscores the critical role of biblical teaching and leadership in maintaining the spiritual health of a community. Jehoshaphat’s decision to send teachers throughout Judah reflects a recognition that understanding and obeying God’s Word is foundational for a righteous life. This principle remains relevant for modern Christians, who are encouraged to engage deeply with the Bible and seek sound teaching.

In a world where various ideologies and beliefs can easily lead people astray, the example of Ben-hail reminds believers of the need to prioritize biblical literacy and teaching within the church. It also emphasizes the responsibility of Christian leaders and teachers to faithfully communicate God’s Word, helping others to grow in their faith and understanding.

The Value of Faithful Service

Ben-hail’s role, though minor in the biblical narrative, demonstrates the value of faithful service in God’s kingdom. Not every servant of God is called to a prominent or widely recognized position, but each role is significant in contributing to the overall mission of the church. This lesson encourages Christians to serve diligently in whatever capacity they find themselves, trusting that God values and uses every effort for His glory.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Desire for His People to Know Him

The initiative led by Jehoshaphat, involving Ben-hail and others, reflects God’s desire for His people to know Him and live according to His will. This effort to educate the people about the Law signifies God’s love and care, ensuring that His people are not left in ignorance or spiritual darkness.

God’s provision of teachers and leaders throughout history demonstrates His ongoing commitment to guiding His people. For modern Christians, this highlights the importance of seeking a deeper understanding of God’s Word and recognizing His desire for a personal relationship with each believer.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Christ as the Ultimate Teacher

The mission of Ben-hail and his companions to teach God’s law points forward to Jesus Christ, who is the ultimate Teacher and embodiment of God’s Word. Jesus’ ministry was marked by teaching and revealing the truth about God and His kingdom (John 1:14; John 14:6). He not only taught the Scriptures but also fulfilled them, providing a perfect example of obedience to God’s will.

In the New Testament, Jesus commissions His followers to go and make disciples, teaching them to observe all that He has commanded (Matthew 28:19-20). This Great Commission continues the legacy of teachers like Ben-hail, emphasizing the importance of discipleship and spreading the knowledge of God’s Word. Modern Christians are called to participate in this mission, sharing the gospel and teaching others about Christ.


Ben-hail, though a relatively obscure figure in the Bible, serves as a reminder of the importance of teaching and upholding God’s Word during challenging times. His role in Jehoshaphat’s religious reforms underscores the value of faithful service and the necessity of biblical instruction for a healthy spiritual community. For modern Christians, Ben-hail’s story encourages a commitment to biblical literacy, faithful service, and a deep relationship with God through Jesus Christ, the ultimate Teacher and Savior.

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