
Who Was Ben-zoheth in the Bible?

Context of the Divided Monarchy

Ben-zoheth is a biblical figure mentioned in 1 Chronicles 4:20, living during the time of the Divided Monarchy—a period after the reign of King Solomon when the kingdom of Israel split into the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. This era was marked by political instability, religious reforms, and various conflicts. The name “Ben-zoheth” (בֶּן־זוֹחֵת) means “son of Zoheth” in Hebrew, indicating his relationship within his family lineage.

Genealogical Significance

Ben-zoheth is noted as the son of Ishi and the brother of Zoheth. His mention in 1 Chronicles 4:20 places him within the tribe of Judah, one of the twelve tribes of Israel. The tribe of Judah is particularly significant in biblical history, as it is the lineage from which King David and ultimately Jesus Christ descended. The genealogical record in this chapter of Chronicles is part of a broader effort to document the family lines and heritage of Israel’s tribes, highlighting their importance in the nation’s identity and history.

The inclusion of Ben-zoheth, despite the lack of detailed information about his life or deeds, underscores the value placed on lineage and heritage in the biblical narrative. These genealogies served not only to preserve the history and continuity of the tribes but also to emphasize God’s faithfulness to His covenant promises. The mention of individuals like Ben-zoheth, even in passing, contributes to the overall tapestry of Israel’s story and God’s unfolding plan for His people.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The Value of Genealogy and Heritage

The brief mention of Ben-zoheth in the Bible highlights the importance of genealogy and heritage within the biblical context. For modern Christians, this serves as a reminder of the value of understanding one’s spiritual heritage. The genealogies in the Bible are not merely historical records but are integral to understanding God’s work through generations. They demonstrate that every individual, regardless of how prominent or obscure, has a place in God’s plan.

This recognition encourages believers to appreciate their spiritual lineage, whether through family, church history, or the broader community of faith. Understanding our spiritual heritage helps us to see how God has worked through history and can inspire us to live faithfully in our own time.

The Significance of Every Individual

Ben-zoheth’s inclusion in the genealogy, despite the lack of detailed information about him, reflects the biblical principle that every person has significance in God’s eyes. This is a reminder that God’s knowledge and care extend to all individuals, regardless of their visibility or notoriety. In a world that often values people based on their achievements or status, the Bible affirms the inherent worth and purpose of every individual.

For modern Christians, this teaches the importance of valuing each person and recognizing that God has a purpose for everyone. It encourages believers to see themselves and others through the lens of God’s love and to understand that their lives are part of a larger narrative that God is weaving together.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Faithfulness Across Generations

The genealogical records, including the mention of Ben-zoheth, demonstrate God’s faithfulness across generations. These records highlight the continuity of God’s covenant promises, particularly to the tribe of Judah. Even during times of division and turmoil, God’s promises remained steadfast. The mention of figures like Ben-zoheth serves as a testament to God’s ongoing care and involvement in the lives of His people.

For believers today, this provides assurance of God’s unchanging nature and His commitment to His promises. It is a reminder that God’s love and faithfulness are not limited by time or circumstances. Just as He was faithful to the people of Judah, He remains faithful to His people today, providing guidance, support, and fulfillment of His promises.

Connection to Jesus Christ

The Lineage of the Messiah

The genealogies that include figures like Ben-zoheth ultimately point to the lineage of Jesus Christ, the Messiah. The tribe of Judah, from which Ben-zoheth descended, holds a special place in biblical prophecy and fulfillment. The promise of a Messiah from the line of David, a descendant of Judah, is a central theme in the Bible. Jesus Christ, as the fulfillment of this promise, is the culmination of God’s redemptive plan for humanity.

For Christians, understanding this lineage deepens the appreciation of the continuity and fulfillment of God’s promises. It underscores the divine orchestration of history and the meticulous care with which God has brought about His plan of salvation. Jesus’ genealogy, including individuals like Ben-zoheth, highlights the inclusivity of God’s grace and the reality that God’s redemptive plan encompasses all people, regardless of their background or status.


Ben-zoheth, though a minor figure in the Bible, contributes to the rich tapestry of genealogical records that highlight the continuity of God’s covenant promises and the unfolding of His redemptive plan. His mention in 1 Chronicles 4:20 within the tribe of Judah underscores the importance of lineage, heritage, and the significance of every individual in God’s narrative. For modern Christians, Ben-zoheth’s story encourages an appreciation of spiritual heritage, the value of each person, and the assurance of God’s faithfulness and love, culminating in the ultimate fulfillment found in Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah. Through these lessons, believers are reminded of their place in God’s ongoing story and the hope found in Christ.

1 Chronicles 4:20

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