
Who Were the Cherethites in the Bible?

The Cherethites, known in Hebrew as “כְּרֵתִי” (Kerethi), are a notable group mentioned multiple times in the Old Testament. Their primary role was as a mercenary group serving under King David and subsequent Israelite kings. References to the Cherethites can be found in 2 Samuel 8:18, 2 Samuel 15:18, 2 Samuel 20:7, 1 Kings 1:38, 1 Kings 1:44, 1 Chronicles 18:17, Ezekiel 25:16, and Zephaniah 2:5. They were known for their loyalty and military prowess, often compared to “special forces” in modern terms.

Historical Context and Significance

Origin and Identity

The origin of the Cherethites is a subject of scholarly debate. Some scholars suggest they might have hailed from the island of Crete, drawing a linguistic connection between the Hebrew “Cherethi” and the Greek word for Cretan. This theory is further supported by the presence of the Philistines, who also had possible connections to Crete, in the same geographical region. The Cherethites, along with the Pelethites, formed an elite military unit that played a crucial role in the stability and security of David’s reign.

Role in the Kingdom

The Cherethites are first mentioned in 2 Samuel 8:18, where they are listed among David’s key officials. They were part of David’s royal guard, serving as personal protectors and elite troops. Their loyalty was unwavering, as evidenced by their support during Absalom’s rebellion (2 Samuel 15:18) and their involvement in quelling Sheba’s revolt (2 Samuel 20:7).

Their role extended beyond mere military service; they were also involved in significant state events. For instance, they were present at Solomon’s anointing as king (1 Kings 1:38, 1:44), highlighting their integral position within the royal court.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The account of the Cherethites offers several valuable lessons for modern Christians.

Loyalty and Faithfulness

The Cherethites exemplify loyalty and faithfulness, traits highly valued in Christian discipleship. Their unwavering support for David, even in times of political turmoil, mirrors the kind of faithfulness that believers are called to exhibit in their relationship with God. In a world where loyalty can often be conditional, the Cherethites’ example challenges Christians to remain steadfast in their faith and commitments.

Service and Dedication

The Cherethites’ dedication to their role as protectors of the king underscores the importance of serving with excellence. Christians are called to serve God and others with wholehearted dedication, reflecting the servant leadership modeled by Jesus Christ. The Cherethites’ military prowess and disciplined service remind believers to pursue their God-given callings with diligence and excellence.

Connection to a Loving God

The presence of the Cherethites in the biblical narrative highlights God’s provision and care for His people. By ensuring that King David had a loyal and capable military force, God demonstrated His commitment to the security and stability of Israel. This reflects a broader biblical principle: God provides for the needs of His people, often in unexpected ways.

For modern Christians, this serves as a reminder of God’s faithfulness and provision. Just as God provided David with the Cherethites, He continues to provide for the needs of His people today. This encourages believers to trust in God’s sovereignty and care, knowing that He is actively involved in the details of their lives.

Connection to Jesus Christ

The role of the Cherethites in the Old Testament can be seen as a foreshadowing of the ultimate protector and king, Jesus Christ. Just as the Cherethites were loyal and dedicated to serving David, Jesus exemplified ultimate loyalty and dedication to His Father’s will, culminating in His sacrificial death on the cross.

Furthermore, Jesus is described in the New Testament as the Good Shepherd who lays down His life for His sheep (John 10:11). The Cherethites’ role as protectors can be seen as a precursor to the protection and salvation offered by Christ. Believers today can draw comfort and strength from the knowledge that Jesus, like the loyal Cherethites, is committed to protecting and caring for His followers.


In conclusion, the Cherethites, though briefly mentioned in the Bible, play a significant role in the narrative of Israel’s history. Their loyalty, dedication, and service provide valuable lessons for modern Christians, encouraging them to exhibit similar traits in their walk with God. The Cherethites also remind believers of God’s provision and care, and their role foreshadows the ultimate protection and salvation found in Jesus Christ. As Christians reflect on the story of the Cherethites, they are encouraged to deepen their trust in God and their commitment to His service.


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