
What was Chesulloth in the Bible?

Chesulloth in the Territory of Issachar

Chesulloth is a town mentioned in the Bible within the context of the land allotments given to the tribes of Israel. Specifically, it appears in Joshua 19:18, where it is listed among the towns in the territory allotted to the tribe of Issachar. The Hebrew word for Chesulloth is כְּסֻלּוֹת (Kesulloth), which doesn’t have a widely recognized meaning but is significant as a geographical name.

Chisloth-tabor and Tabor

Chesulloth is closely associated with another town called Chisloth-tabor, mentioned in Joshua 19:12, also known as Kisloth Tabor in some translations, such as the NIV. The Hebrew name for Chisloth-tabor is כִּסְלֹת תָּבוֹר (Kisloth Tabor), indicating its proximity to Mount Tabor, a prominent feature in the region. Tabor is another town mentioned in 1 Chronicles 6:77 as a Levitical city in the territory of Issachar. The name Tabor, תָּבוֹר (Tabor), is also connected with the mountain of the same name, which played a significant role in the biblical narrative.

The exact modern locations of Chesulloth, Chisloth-tabor, and Tabor are not definitively known today. However, these towns were situated in the region that was designated for the tribe of Issachar. This area, characterized by fertile plains and significant geographical landmarks like Mount Tabor, was an important part of the land of Israel.

Historical and Geographical Context

The mention of Chesulloth, along with Chisloth-tabor and Tabor, provides a glimpse into the meticulous recording of geographical and tribal boundaries in the Old Testament. The division of the land of Canaan among the tribes of Israel, as detailed in the book of Joshua, was a fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham and his descendants (Genesis 12:7). This careful allocation of land was not just a practical measure but also held deep spiritual significance, symbolizing the Israelites’ inheritance and God’s faithfulness.

The towns mentioned, including Chesulloth, served as markers of the tribal allotments, helping to establish clear boundaries and ensuring each tribe received its portion of the Promised Land. These towns and their locations offer valuable insights into the history and geography of ancient Israel, shedding light on the living conditions, economy, and social structure of the time.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The story of Chesulloth and the other towns in the territory of Issachar holds valuable lessons for modern Christians. One of the key lessons is the importance of recognizing God’s faithfulness in fulfilling His promises. The careful distribution of land among the tribes of Israel is a testament to God’s meticulous care and commitment to His people. For contemporary believers, this serves as a reminder that God is faithful to His promises, both in the grand narrative of salvation history and in the personal lives of His followers.

Additionally, the allocation of specific towns and regions to each tribe highlights the value of order and structure in the community of God’s people. Just as the tribes of Israel were given distinct territories, Christians today are called to recognize and honor the unique roles and gifts within the body of Christ. This understanding promotes unity and cooperation, ensuring that the church functions effectively as a whole.

Connection to a Loving God

The detailed recording of towns like Chesulloth in the Bible reflects God’s loving provision and care for His people. Each town and territory was thoughtfully assigned, taking into account the needs and characteristics of the tribes. This careful distribution is a reflection of God’s covenantal love, which is attentive to the details of His people’s lives.

For modern believers, this connection to a loving God is a source of comfort and assurance. It reminds them that God is not distant or indifferent but is actively involved in their lives, providing for their needs and guiding them according to His perfect plan. This assurance encourages believers to trust in God’s provision and to seek His guidance in all aspects of life.

Connection to Jesus Christ

The allocation of land in the Old Testament, including towns like Chesulloth, foreshadows the greater spiritual inheritance found in Jesus Christ. In the New Testament, Jesus is seen as the fulfillment of the Old Testament promises, including the promise of an inheritance. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus provides believers with an eternal inheritance, which includes the promise of eternal life and a place in God’s Kingdom.

The careful delineation of tribal territories in the Old Testament serves as a precursor to the meticulous care God takes in His redemptive plan, culminating in Christ. Just as each tribe received its inheritance in the Promised Land, Christians receive a spiritual inheritance through faith in Jesus. This connection underscores the continuity and fulfillment of God’s promises from the Old Covenant to the New Covenant.


Chesulloth, along with Chisloth-tabor and Tabor, plays a minor yet significant role in the biblical narrative. These towns, situated in the territory of Issachar, serve as markers of God’s faithfulness and the careful distribution of the Promised Land among the tribes of Israel. For modern Christians, the story of Chesulloth offers valuable lessons about trusting in God’s provision, recognizing the importance of order within the community of faith, and understanding the fulfillment of God’s promises in Jesus Christ. Through these insights, believers can gain a deeper appreciation for the continuity of God’s redemptive plan and His unwavering love and faithfulness.

Where was Chesulloth in the Bible?

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