
What was Chilmad in the Bible?

Chilmad Near Nineveh

Chilmad is mentioned in the Bible in Ezekiel 27:23, where it is listed among the trading partners of the ancient city of Tyre. The verse reads: “Haran, Canneh, and Eden, the merchants of Sheba, Asshur, and Chilmad traded with you.” This mention situates Chilmad in the context of ancient Near Eastern commerce and trade, suggesting that it was a known location engaged in the exchange of goods.

While the exact location of Chilmad is not definitively known today, it is associated with the region near Nineveh, one of the great cities of ancient Assyria, located in present-day Iraq. Nineveh was a major center of trade and political power, and its mention alongside Chilmad implies that Chilmad was also significant in the region’s trade networks.

The Role of Trade in Biblical Times

In the ancient world, trade and commerce were vital components of economic and cultural life. Cities like Tyre, mentioned in Ezekiel 27, were known for their extensive trade networks, dealing in goods ranging from precious metals and spices to textiles and agricultural products. The inclusion of Chilmad in this list of trading partners indicates that it was a participant in this extensive network, contributing to the flow of goods and cultural exchange.

The trading relationships highlighted in Ezekiel 27 underscore the interconnectedness of ancient societies. These connections facilitated not only economic prosperity but also the exchange of ideas, technologies, and cultural practices. Chilmad’s participation in this network reflects the broader dynamics of the ancient Near East, where commerce was a crucial means of interaction among different peoples and regions.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The mention of Chilmad in the Bible, though brief, offers several lessons for modern Christians. One key lesson is the recognition of the interconnectedness of human societies. Just as Chilmad was part of a vast trade network in the ancient world, Christians today are part of a global community. This interconnectedness calls for a sense of responsibility and stewardship, as actions and decisions can have far-reaching impacts.

Additionally, the inclusion of Chilmad in the biblical narrative serves as a reminder of the importance of honest and ethical business practices. The Bible frequently addresses issues of fairness, justice, and integrity in trade and commerce. For Christians engaged in business today, the example of ancient trade networks like those involving Chilmad encourages them to conduct their affairs with honesty and integrity, reflecting biblical principles in all aspects of life.

Connection to a Loving God

The mention of Chilmad and other trading partners in Ezekiel 27 can also be seen as a reflection of God’s provision and care for His creation. Through trade and commerce, different regions and peoples were able to obtain resources they needed, contributing to the well-being of many. This interconnected system of provision underscores the idea that God uses various means, including human ingenuity and cooperation, to care for His creation.

For modern believers, this can be a reminder of God’s sovereignty and the diverse ways in which He provides for human needs. Whether through trade, agriculture, or other means, God’s provision is evident in the daily lives of people around the world. This awareness should lead Christians to gratitude and a deeper trust in God’s providential care.

Connection to Jesus Christ

The concept of interconnectedness seen in the mention of Chilmad can also be related to the New Testament’s message of unity in Christ. The Apostle Paul, in his letters, often emphasizes the idea that believers are one body in Christ, with each member playing a vital role (1 Corinthians 12:12-27). Just as Chilmad was part of a larger network of trade, Christians are part of a larger community, the body of Christ, where each individual’s gifts and contributions are essential.

Moreover, the universal scope of the gospel message transcends cultural and geographical boundaries, much like the trade networks of the ancient world. The inclusion of Chilmad in the biblical text serves as a subtle reminder that God’s plan of redemption extends to all peoples and nations. In Christ, barriers are broken down, and a diverse array of people is brought together in unity and fellowship.


Chilmad, though only briefly mentioned in the Bible, offers a fascinating glimpse into the ancient world’s interconnectedness through trade and commerce. Located near Nineveh, Chilmad’s participation in these networks highlights the economic and cultural exchanges that characterized the ancient Near East. For modern Christians, the story of Chilmad provides valuable lessons on the importance of ethical business practices, the interconnectedness of human societies, and the diverse ways in which God provides for His people. Additionally, it underscores the unity found in Jesus Christ, who transcends all cultural and geographical barriers to bring people into the family of God. Through these reflections, believers are encouraged to live with integrity, gratitude, and a sense of global responsibility, recognizing the ways in which God’s sovereign hand is at work in the world.

Where was Chilmad in the Bible?

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