
What was Chios in the Bible?

The Island of Chios in Paul’s Missionary Journey

Chios is an island in the Aegean Sea, near the western coast of Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey). It is mentioned briefly in the New Testament in Acts 20:15 during the Apostle Paul’s third missionary journey. The verse states, “We sailed from there, and on the next day we arrived off Chios. The following day we crossed over to Samos, and the day after that we came to Miletus.” This reference to Chios serves as a geographical marker, detailing the route Paul took as he journeyed towards Jerusalem.

Paul’s third missionary journey was a significant period in his ministry, characterized by extensive travel and the establishment and strengthening of churches. The mention of Chios, though brief, underscores the meticulous detail with which Luke, the author of Acts, documented the journey. It also reflects the broader historical and geographical context of the time, highlighting the various locations that played a role in the spread of the early Christian message.

The Historical and Geographical Context of Chios

Chios, known in ancient times for its wine, figs, and marble, was an important trading hub in the Aegean region. Its location made it a frequent stop for ships traveling between the major cities of Asia Minor and Greece. The inclusion of Chios in Acts 20:15 not only provides a glimpse into the maritime routes of the time but also emphasizes the interconnectedness of the ancient world.

The brief mention of Chios in Paul’s travels highlights the historical accuracy of the biblical narrative. By documenting specific places and travel routes, the Bible provides a verifiable record that aligns with historical and geographical knowledge. This contributes to the credibility of the accounts in Acts, demonstrating that the events described are grounded in real-world settings.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The mention of Chios in the Bible, while seemingly minor, offers valuable lessons for modern Christians. One key lesson is the importance of attention to detail in the pursuit of truth. The meticulous recording of places and events in Acts, including the stop at Chios, underscores the value of accurate documentation and the pursuit of truth in all aspects of life. For Christians, this can translate into a commitment to integrity, honesty, and thoroughness in both personal and communal endeavors.

Another lesson from Chios’ mention is the recognition of the global scope of the early Christian mission. The journey of Paul and his companions across diverse regions and cultures reflects the universal nature of the Gospel message. For modern believers, this serves as a reminder of the call to engage with the world beyond one’s immediate community, sharing the message of Christ across cultural and geographical boundaries.

Connection to a Loving God

The narrative of Paul’s journeys, including the stop at Chios, also highlights God’s providence and guidance in the spread of the Gospel. Each location mentioned in Acts, including Chios, represents a point where the message of Christ was carried, shared, and received. This journey reflects God’s loving intention to reach all people with the message of salvation.

For modern Christians, this aspect of Paul’s journey can serve as a reminder of God’s active presence in guiding the spread of the Gospel. It encourages believers to trust in God’s provision and direction in their own lives, knowing that He orchestrates events for the furtherance of His purposes. The mention of Chios, therefore, is not just a geographical detail but a testament to God’s faithful guidance.

Connection to Jesus Christ

The mention of Chios and other locations in Paul’s missionary journeys also underscores the fulfillment of Jesus Christ’s Great Commission. In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus commanded His disciples to “go and make disciples of all nations.” The detailed accounts of Paul’s travels, including the stop at Chios, illustrate the early church’s obedience to this command, spreading the message of Jesus throughout the known world.

This connection emphasizes the continuity of God’s redemptive plan from the ministry of Jesus to the missionary efforts of the apostles. It highlights the importance of faithful witness and evangelism as central aspects of the Christian faith. For modern believers, this serves as an encouragement to continue the mission of sharing the Gospel, trusting in God’s guidance and provision, just as Paul and his companions did.


Chios, while only briefly mentioned in the Bible, plays a meaningful role in the narrative of Paul’s third missionary journey. This reference adds historical and geographical context to the account in Acts, underscoring the accuracy and reliability of the biblical narrative. For modern Christians, the story of Chios offers lessons on the importance of detail and integrity, the universal scope of the Gospel, and the assurance of God’s guidance in the mission of spreading the message of Jesus Christ. Through these insights, believers are encouraged to engage faithfully with the world, sharing the hope and truth of the Gospel with all people.


Acts 20:15 : The next day we set sail from there and arrived off Chios. The day after that we crossed over to Samos, and on the following day arrived at Miletus.

Where was Chios in the Bible?

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