
Who was Chislon in the Bible?

Chislon and His Role in the Israelite Community

Chislon, a figure mentioned in Numbers 34:21, is noted in the context of the Israelites’ journey through the wilderness and their preparation to enter the Promised Land. The Hebrew name Chislon (כִּסְלוֹן, Kislon) appears briefly in the Bible, associated primarily with his son, Elidad. This reference occurs during the period when the Israelites were nearing the end of their wilderness wanderings, under Moses’ leadership, and were receiving instructions on how to divide the land of Canaan among the twelve tribes.

The passage in Numbers 34 details the boundaries of the Promised Land and lists the leaders from each tribe who were appointed to oversee the land distribution. Chislon is identified as the father of Elidad, who was chosen as a representative from the tribe of Benjamin. While the Bible does not provide extensive details about Chislon’s life or actions, his inclusion in this list suggests that he held some level of significance or authority within his tribe.

The Context of Numbers 34:21

In Numbers 34:21, we read, “Of the tribe of the children of Benjamin, Elidad the son of Chislon.” This verse is part of a larger narrative where God instructs Moses on the specific borders of the land that each tribe of Israel is to inherit. The leaders named in this chapter were responsible for ensuring the fair and accurate distribution of the land according to these divine instructions.

The mention of Chislon and his son Elidad in this context highlights the orderly and structured approach the Israelites took in organizing their community and fulfilling God’s commands. The selection of tribal representatives like Elidad underscores the importance of leadership and accountability within the Israelite community during a crucial phase in their history.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The brief mention of Chislon and his son Elidad in the Bible offers several lessons for modern Christians. One key lesson is the importance of every individual’s role in God’s plan. Even though Chislon and Elidad are not prominent figures, their inclusion in the biblical narrative shows that every person has a part to play in the fulfillment of God’s purposes. This can encourage believers today to recognize and embrace their unique roles and contributions within their faith communities, no matter how seemingly small or insignificant.

Another lesson is the significance of obedience and trust in God’s guidance. The Israelites were meticulous in following God’s instructions for dividing the land, demonstrating their commitment to His will. For contemporary Christians, this underscores the value of faithfully adhering to God’s guidance in their own lives, trusting that He has a plan and purpose for every detail.

Connection to a Loving God

The story of Chislon and Elidad, though brief, reflects the broader narrative of God’s faithfulness to His people. The careful organization of the land distribution among the tribes of Israel demonstrates God’s attention to detail and His care for the community’s orderly and just governance. It shows that God is not only concerned with the big picture but also with the individual needs and roles within His people.

For modern believers, this aspect of God’s character is a reminder of His intimate knowledge of and care for each person. It encourages Christians to trust in God’s provision and His perfect timing, knowing that He is actively involved in their lives, even in the smallest details.

Connection to Jesus Christ

While Chislon and Elidad are Old Testament figures with limited direct connection to the New Testament, their story can still be linked to the broader theme of God’s unfolding plan of redemption, which culminates in Jesus Christ. The meticulous division of the Promised Land and the involvement of various leaders from different tribes foreshadow the unity and diversity of the body of Christ.

In the New Testament, Jesus extends the invitation to be part of God’s Kingdom to all people, transcending tribal and ethnic boundaries. The roles of individuals like Chislon and Elidad in the orderly distribution of land can be seen as a precursor to the establishment of a new covenant community where every believer, regardless of background, has a place and a purpose.


Chislon, mentioned briefly in the Bible as the father of Elidad, a tribal leader of Benjamin, plays a minor yet meaningful role in the larger narrative of Israel’s history. His mention in Numbers 34:21, within the context of the land division in Canaan, highlights the importance of every individual in God’s plan, the significance of obedience to divine instructions, and the orderly governance of the Israelite community.

For modern Christians, the story of Chislon and Elidad serves as a reminder of God’s detailed care and faithfulness, encouraging believers to embrace their unique roles in God’s Kingdom. It also connects to the broader narrative of unity and inclusion in the body of Christ, where every believer is valued and has a significant role to play in the fulfillment of God’s redemptive purposes. Through these reflections, believers are encouraged to trust in God’s guidance and to live faithfully in their callings, knowing that God works through every individual to accomplish His divine plan.

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