
Who was Chuza in the Bible?

Chuza: A Supporter of Jesus’ Ministry

Chuza is a relatively obscure figure in the New Testament, mentioned only briefly in the Gospel of Luke. In Luke 8:3, Chuza is identified as the husband of Joanna, who was one of the women who followed Jesus and supported His ministry. The verse states, “Joanna the wife of Chuza, Herod’s steward, and Susanna, and many others, who were contributing to their support out of their private means.” The name Chuza (Greek: Χουζᾶς) is of Greek origin and is associated with the household of Herod Antipas, the ruler of Galilee.

The Context of Chuza’s Mention

Chuza’s mention in the Bible is brief but significant. He served as a steward in the household of Herod Antipas, suggesting that he held a position of responsibility and influence. As a steward, Chuza would have been involved in managing Herod’s household affairs, which likely included financial oversight and administration. This position indicates that Chuza and his family were likely well-to-do and had access to resources.

Joanna, Chuza’s wife, is mentioned as one of the women who supported Jesus’ ministry financially. This support was crucial for Jesus and His disciples, who often relied on the generosity of followers for their sustenance. Joanna’s involvement in Jesus’ ministry, along with other women, highlights the significant role that women played in the early Christian community.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

Chuza’s story, though only briefly mentioned, offers several important lessons for modern Christians. One key lesson is the value of supporting ministry work. Chuza and Joanna’s financial support of Jesus’ ministry demonstrates the importance of using one’s resources to further God’s kingdom. This is a call for believers today to consider how they can support their church and other Christian ministries, whether through financial contributions, time, or talents.

Another lesson is the inclusivity of Jesus’ ministry. The fact that Joanna, a woman of means, and her husband Chuza, a steward in Herod’s household, were involved in supporting Jesus shows that people from all walks of life were drawn to His message. This diversity in the early Christian community reflects the broad appeal of Jesus’ teachings and the inclusive nature of God’s kingdom. It encourages modern Christians to embrace diversity within their own communities and to recognize that the Gospel is for all people, regardless of their social or economic status.

Connection to a Loving God

The mention of Chuza and Joanna in the context of supporting Jesus’ ministry highlights the way God works through individuals from various backgrounds to accomplish His purposes. Despite being part of Herod’s household—a ruler not known for his righteousness—Chuza’s family was still moved by Jesus’ message and chose to support His work. This demonstrates God’s ability to reach into all areas of society and draw people to Himself, showing His love and grace for all.

For modern believers, this connection to a loving God reassures them that God can work through anyone, regardless of their background or circumstances. It also emphasizes the importance of being open to God’s call and being willing to use one’s resources and influence for His glory. The story of Chuza and Joanna serves as an example of how God uses individuals from diverse backgrounds to support His work and spread His message.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Chuza’s connection to Jesus Christ, through his wife Joanna, highlights the broad network of support that Jesus received during His earthly ministry. The financial and logistical support provided by individuals like Chuza and Joanna enabled Jesus and His disciples to travel, preach, and minister to people across the region. This support was essential for the spread of Jesus’ teachings and the establishment of the early Christian church.

For modern Christians, this connection underscores the importance of community and mutual support in the body of Christ. Just as Jesus’ ministry relied on the support of His followers, the church today relies on the contributions of its members. This includes financial support, but also the sharing of spiritual gifts, encouragement, and practical help. The story of Chuza and Joanna reminds believers of the importance of contributing to the mission of the church and supporting one another in the faith.


Chuza, though a minor figure in the New Testament, plays a significant role in the narrative of Jesus’ ministry. As the husband of Joanna, who supported Jesus’ work, Chuza’s mention highlights the diversity of individuals who were drawn to Jesus and contributed to His mission. His story teaches modern Christians about the value of supporting ministry, the inclusivity of God’s kingdom, and the ways God can use anyone to accomplish His purposes.

The story of Chuza and Joanna is a reminder that every believer, regardless of their background or resources, has a role to play in God’s kingdom. It encourages Christians to be generous, to support the work of the church, and to recognize the broad and inclusive nature of the Gospel message. Through their example, believers are reminded of the importance of community, mutual support, and the shared mission of spreading the message of Jesus Christ.


Luke 8:3 : Joanna the wife of Chuza, the manager of Herod’s household; Susanna; and many others. These women were helping to support them out of their own means.

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