Daughter of Machir

Who was Daughter of Machir in the Bible?

In the Bible, the daughter of Machir is a significant yet unnamed figure. She is mentioned in 1 Chronicles 2:21 and identified by Strong’s Concordance number H4353. As a woman of the tribe of Manasseh living during the time of the Patriarchs, she holds a vital place in the genealogical records. She is noted as the sister of Gilead, Peresh, Sheresh, and Hammolecheth, and she was married to Hezron, becoming the mother of Segub. Her lineage is crucial in understanding the continuation of the family line within the tribe of Manasseh.

Genealogical Importance

The genealogies in the Bible often serve more than just a historical purpose; they reveal God’s plan and the continuity of His promises through generations. The daughter of Machir’s marriage to Hezron and her connection to her siblings highlight her integral role within her family. Segub, her son, continues the family line, indicating the importance of her place in the genealogy.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The life of the daughter of Machir, though briefly mentioned, offers several lessons for modern Christians. Her story underscores the importance of every individual in God’s plan, even those who might seem insignificant by human standards. Here are some key lessons:

The Importance of Family Lineage

In the Bible, lineage is not just about ancestry but about the transmission of faith and God’s promises. The inclusion of the daughter of Machir in the genealogy of 1 Chronicles illustrates how God values each family unit and the role they play in His redemptive plan.

The Role of Women

Despite the patriarchal context of biblical times, women like the daughter of Machir are acknowledged and given importance in the lineage of God’s people. This highlights the value and significance of women in God’s plan, reminding modern Christians to honor and recognize the contributions of women in faith communities.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Covenant with His People

The genealogies in the Bible, including the mention of the daughter of Machir, reflect God’s unwavering commitment to His covenant with His people. Each name and connection signifies God’s faithfulness and the continuity of His promises. The daughter of Machir’s place in this lineage reinforces the understanding that God’s love and promises extend to all generations, assuring modern Christians of His enduring faithfulness.

The Inclusivity of God’s Plan

The fact that an unnamed woman is included in the genealogy demonstrates that God’s plan is inclusive. He values each individual and their contribution to His overall purpose. This inclusivity is a testament to God’s love and His desire for all to be part of His family, encouraging Christians to embrace and value every person within their communities.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Jesus’ Genealogy

The genealogies that trace back to figures like the daughter of Machir ultimately lead to Jesus Christ. Understanding these connections helps Christians appreciate the fulfillment of God’s promises through Christ. Jesus’ lineage, as presented in the Gospels, includes many such individuals who played crucial roles in God’s redemptive history.

The Continuity of Redemption

The daughter of Machir’s lineage points to the continuity of God’s redemptive plan through generations, culminating in Jesus Christ. Her story, though small, is part of the larger narrative that leads to the birth of Christ, who is the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promise of salvation.

Biblical References

  1. 1 Chronicles 2:21 – “Later, Hezron married the daughter of Machir, the father of Gilead. Hezron had previously married the daughter of Machir when he was sixty years old, and she bore him Segub.”
  2. Numbers 26:29-33 – These verses discuss the descendants of Manasseh, including the family of Machir.
  3. Joshua 17:1-6 – Details the inheritance of the tribe of Manasseh and the descendants of Machir.


The daughter of Machir, though unnamed, is a pivotal figure in the biblical narrative. Her inclusion in the genealogy of the tribe of Manasseh highlights the importance of every individual in God’s plan. Her story teaches modern Christians about the significance of lineage, the role of women, and the inclusivity of God’s covenant. It also connects directly to the lineage of Jesus Christ, demonstrating the continuity of God’s redemptive work through generations. As modern believers, we are reminded of God’s faithful and loving nature, encouraging us to value each person’s role in the grand narrative of faith.


1 Chronicles 2:21 – Later, Hezron, when he was sixty years old, married the daughter of Makir the father of Gilead. He made love to her, and she bore him Segub.

Genesis 50:23 – And Joseph saw Ephraim’s children to the third generation. The children of Makir son of Manasseh were placed at birth on Joseph’s knees.

1 Chronicles 7:15 – Makir took a wife from among the Huppites and Shuppites. His sister’s name was Maakah.

Numbers 26:29 – The descendants of Manasseh: through Makir, the Makirite clan (Makir was the father of Gilead); through Gilead, the Gileadite clan.

1 Chronicles 7:16 – Makir’s wife Maakah gave birth to a son and named him Peresh. His brother was Sheresh, and his sons were Ulam and Rakem.

1 Chronicles 7:18 – His sister Hammoleketh gave birth to Ishhod, Abiezer, and Mahlah.

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