Daughter of Putiel

Who was Daughter of Putiel in the Bible?

The Daughter of Putiel is a relatively obscure figure mentioned in the Bible, specifically in Exodus 6:25. Although her name is not provided, she is noted as the daughter of Putiel and the wife of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, who was the high priest. This brief mention places her in a critical lineage during the period of the Israelites’ sojourn in Egypt and their subsequent wilderness journey. Her significance lies not in detailed personal deeds recorded in the scriptures but in her familial connections, which are pivotal in the narrative of the Israelites’ history.

Her Role in the Biblical Narrative

The Daughter of Putiel’s marriage to Eleazar connected her to the priestly line, making her a part of a family that played a central role in Israel’s religious life. Eleazar, being a high priest, had a significant role in maintaining and teaching the spiritual and ceremonial laws among the Israelites. The couple’s son, Phinehas, is particularly notable for his zealous actions in defending God’s honor and the sanctity of the community, an event recorded in Numbers 25:7-13 and Psalm 106:30. Phinehas’s decisive actions against sin among the Israelites exemplify the commitment to maintaining purity and devotion to God, which was highly valued in the priestly lineage.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The story of the Daughter of Putiel, though lacking extensive detail, provides valuable lessons for modern Christians, particularly concerning the significance of family, faithfulness, and the roles individuals play in God’s broader plan.

The Importance of Family Lineage

In the biblical narrative, family lineage is not merely about ancestry but also about spiritual heritage. The Daughter of Putiel’s connection to the priestly family highlights how God often works through family lines to accomplish His purposes. For modern Christians, this underscores the importance of nurturing faith within families and recognizing the role of heritage in spiritual development.

Faithfulness in Everyday Roles

While the Daughter of Putiel is not recorded for any extraordinary personal achievements, her role as a wife and mother in a priestly family was crucial. This teaches modern believers that every role, no matter how seemingly small or behind-the-scenes, is valuable in God’s eyes. Faithfulness in everyday responsibilities contributes to the broader work of God’s kingdom.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Sovereignty in Family and Lineage

The inclusion of the Daughter of Putiel in the biblical genealogies reflects God’s sovereign choice in selecting certain families for special roles in His redemptive plan. It illustrates that God’s love and purpose can be seen in the way He orchestrates family histories to bring about His will. For Christians today, this is a reminder that God’s providence extends over every aspect of life, including family backgrounds and relationships.

God’s Care for the Priestly Line

The lineage of the Daughter of Putiel, being tied to the priestly family of Aaron, emphasizes God’s care in maintaining the purity and sanctity of the priesthood. This special care ensures that the spiritual leaders of Israel were well-prepared and faithful, serving as mediators between God and His people. It reflects God’s desire for a holy and dedicated people, which is still relevant for Christians as they consider their own roles in serving God.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Foreshadowing of Christ’s Priesthood

The priestly lineage, including figures like Eleazar and Phinehas, serves as a precursor to the ultimate High Priest, Jesus Christ. The Bible presents Christ as the fulfillment of the priestly role, offering a perfect sacrifice and mediating between God and humanity. The Daughter of Putiel’s family connection to the priesthood can thus be seen as part of the broader narrative leading to Christ’s priestly ministry.

The Role of Women in God’s Plan

The mention of the Daughter of Putiel, despite her anonymity, highlights the important, though often understated, role women played in the biblical narrative. Women, like the Daughter of Putiel, were integral in supporting and upholding the families that were central to God’s plan. This is echoed in the New Testament, where women are also seen as vital participants in the early Christian community. Modern Christians can draw from this the importance of valuing and recognizing the contributions of women in all aspects of church and spiritual life.

Biblical References and Hebrew Name

  1. Exodus 6:25 – “Eleazar son of Aaron married one of the daughters of Putiel, and she bore him Phinehas.”
  2. Numbers 25:7-13 – Describes Phinehas’s zealous act to stop the sin among the Israelites.
  3. Psalm 106:30 – Commends Phinehas for his righteous act.

Hebrew Name

The name Putiel (פֻּטִיאֵל, Putiel) means “afflicted of God” or “God is my fatness,” indicating a divine connection or blessing. This name, along with the mention of his daughter, suggests a recognition of God’s presence and blessing within the family.


The Daughter of Putiel, though unnamed, represents a significant link in the priestly lineage of Israel, contributing to the spiritual leadership and heritage of the nation. Her role as the wife of Eleazar and mother of Phinehas highlights the importance of family in God’s plan and the continuity of the priestly line leading up to Jesus Christ. Her story teaches modern Christians about the value of faithfulness in everyday roles, the importance of family heritage in nurturing faith, and the inclusive nature of God’s redemptive work that values every individual and role within the community.


Exodus 6:25

Psalm 106:30

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