Debir (person)

Who was Debir in the Bible?

Debir, mentioned in the book of Joshua, was the king of Eglon, an Amorite city in Canaan. He is notable for his role in the coalition of five Amorite kings who opposed Joshua and the Israelites during their conquest of Canaan. This coalition, led by Adoni-zedek, the king of Jerusalem, sought to resist the Israelite advance by attacking Gibeon, a city that had made peace with Israel (Joshua 10:3-5). Debir’s involvement in this alliance highlights the broader resistance of the Amorite cities to the Israelite occupation of the Promised Land.

The Battle Against Joshua

The coalition of five Amorite kings, including Debir, aimed to punish Gibeon for allying with Israel and to halt the Israelite conquest. However, their plans were thwarted by Joshua’s swift and decisive response. Joshua led a night march from Gilgal and launched a surprise attack on the Amorite forces at Gibeon. The battle was marked by extraordinary events, including God sending hailstones upon the Amorites and Joshua’s famous prayer for the sun to stand still, prolonging the day to secure Israel’s victory (Joshua 10:6-14).

After their defeat at Gibeon, the five Amorite kings fled and hid in a cave at Makkedah. Joshua ordered the cave’s mouth to be sealed until the battle was over. Afterward, the kings were brought out, and Joshua executed them as a demonstration of God’s judgment against the enemies of Israel (Joshua 10:16-27).

The Defeat of Debir and Conquest of His City

Debir’s defeat did not end with his death. The city of Eglon, over which he ruled, was subsequently captured by Joshua and the Israelites. This conquest was part of a broader campaign in which Joshua systematically defeated and destroyed the major cities of the southern Canaanite region, thereby weakening the collective resistance against the Israelites and securing their control over the land (Joshua 10:34-36).

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The account of Debir and the Amorite kings offers several lessons for modern Christians, particularly concerning the themes of divine justice, human resistance to God’s plans, and the importance of obedience and faith.

The Sovereignty of God in Judgment

Debir and the other Amorite kings represent the opposition to God’s purposes. Their alliance against Israel, and subsequent defeat, illustrates God’s sovereignty and His ability to execute justice. This story serves as a reminder that God’s plans are ultimate, and human opposition, no matter how formidable, cannot thwart His will. For Christians, this underscores the importance of aligning with God’s purposes and recognizing His authority in all matters.

The Role of Faith and Obedience

Joshua’s leadership and the Israelites’ faith in God’s promises played a critical role in their victories. The miraculous events, such as the extended daylight and the hailstorm, highlight God’s direct intervention on behalf of His people. This teaches modern believers the importance of faith and obedience in their walk with God. Just as Joshua acted in faith and saw God’s power manifest, Christians are encouraged to trust and obey God, even in seemingly impossible situations.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Protection and Provision

The narrative of Debir and the Amorite kings demonstrates God’s protection and provision for His people. Despite facing a formidable coalition, the Israelites experienced God’s deliverance. This reflects God’s loving care and commitment to His promises. Modern Christians can take comfort in knowing that God is faithful to protect and provide for His people, even when they face opposition or challenges.

The Call to Holiness

The conquest of Canaan, including the defeat of Debir, was not just a military campaign but a divine mandate to establish a holy nation set apart for God. The Israelites were commanded to remove idolatry and pagan influences from the land. This underscores God’s call to holiness, which remains relevant for Christians today. Believers are called to live distinctively, free from the influences of the world, and wholly devoted to God.

Connection to Jesus Christ

The Ultimate Fulfillment of God’s Promises

The conquest of Canaan, including the defeat of kings like Debir, foreshadows the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promises through Jesus Christ. Just as Joshua led Israel to victory over their enemies and into the Promised Land, Jesus leads believers to victory over sin and death, granting them eternal life. The name Joshua, or Yeshua in Hebrew, is the same as Jesus, highlighting the continuity in God’s plan of salvation.

The Final Judgment and Kingdom of God

The judgment upon Debir and the Amorite kings points to the final judgment that Jesus will bring. The Bible teaches that Jesus will return to judge the living and the dead, and establish His eternal kingdom. This narrative reminds Christians of the reality of divine justice and the importance of being aligned with God’s kingdom.

Biblical References and Hebrew Name

  1. Joshua 10:3-5 – The alliance of the five Amorite kings, including Debir.
  2. Joshua 10:6-14 – The battle at Gibeon and the miracle of the sun standing still.
  3. Joshua 10:16-27 – The capture and execution of the Amorite kings.
  4. Joshua 10:34-36 – The conquest of Eglon and the defeat of its king.

Hebrew Name

Debir (דְּבִיר, Dəḇîr) can mean “sanctuary” or “inner sanctuary,” referring to the holy place within a temple. This name, while ironic in the case of an Amorite king opposed to God’s people, underscores the sacred themes often interwoven in biblical narratives.


Debir, the Amorite king of Eglon, serves as a reminder of the inevitable triumph of God’s will over human opposition. His story, set within the broader context of Israel’s conquest of Canaan, illustrates key biblical themes such as divine judgment, the importance of faith and obedience, and God’s protective care for His people. For modern Christians, the lessons from Debir’s defeat encourage a deeper trust in God’s sovereignty, a commitment to living a holy life, and an anticipation of the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promises through Jesus Christ.

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