
What Was Decapolis in the Bible?

The term Decapolis, derived from the Greek words δέκα (deka) meaning “ten” and πόλις (polis) meaning “city,” refers to a league of ten cities located primarily on the eastern frontier of the Roman Empire. This region was known for its cultural diversity, with a population mix of Gentiles and Jews. The cities of the Decapolis were centers of Greek and Roman culture in a predominantly Semitic region, known for their Hellenistic influence, architecture, and infrastructure.

In the New Testament, Decapolis is mentioned in several passages, highlighting its significance in the ministry of Jesus. The cities included in this region were not all precisely listed in the Bible, but they generally included cities like Gerasa (modern Jerash), Scythopolis (Beth-Shean), Hippos, Gadara, Pella, and others.

Decapolis in the New Testament

Jesus’ Ministry in Decapolis

The Gospel of Matthew mentions Decapolis as one of the regions from which large crowds followed Jesus. “Large crowds from Galilee, the Decapolis, Jerusalem, Judea, and the region across the Jordan followed him” (Matthew 4:25). This passage illustrates the widespread appeal and reach of Jesus’ teachings, drawing people from diverse geographical and cultural backgrounds.

In Mark 5:20, after healing a demon-possessed man in the region of the Gerasenes, Jesus instructs him to “Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.” The man went away and began to tell in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him, and all the people were amazed. This incident not only demonstrates Jesus’ authority over demonic powers but also His mission to spread the message of God’s mercy beyond Jewish territories.

Another notable reference is found in Mark 7:31, where Jesus travels through the region of Tyre and Sidon, down to the Sea of Galilee, and into the Decapolis region. During His time in the Decapolis, Jesus performs several miracles, including the healing of a deaf and mute man, which further exemplifies His compassion and power.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The Inclusivity of the Gospel

The mention of Decapolis in the New Testament underscores the inclusive nature of Jesus’ ministry. By ministering in a predominantly Gentile region, Jesus demonstrated that the message of salvation was not limited to the Jewish people but extended to all nations. This inclusivity is a core tenet of the Christian faith, emphasizing that God’s love and salvation are available to everyone, regardless of their ethnic or cultural background.

The Power of Testimony

The healed man’s testimony in Decapolis serves as an example of the power of personal testimony in spreading the Gospel. His story of deliverance and healing resonated with many, leading them to marvel at Jesus’ works. Modern Christians can learn from this example the importance of sharing their own experiences of faith and transformation, as personal testimonies can have a profound impact on others.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Compassionate Outreach

Jesus’ ministry in Decapolis reveals God’s compassionate outreach to all people. Despite the region’s cultural diversity and the presence of Gentiles, Jesus did not shy away from ministering there. His actions underscore God’s desire to reach out to everyone, breaking down barriers and extending His love and grace universally.

Fulfillment of Prophecy

The activities in Decapolis also fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah 49:6, which speaks of the Messiah being a light to the Gentiles. This prophecy highlights God’s plan for salvation to reach beyond Israel, bringing light and hope to all nations. The Decapolis region, with its mix of cultures, symbolizes the broad scope of God’s redemptive plan.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Demonstration of Jesus’ Authority

In the Decapolis, Jesus demonstrated His authority over sickness, demons, and sin. The miracles performed in this region, such as healing the demon-possessed man and the deaf-mute, show His power and divine authority. These acts not only affirmed His identity as the Son of God but also provided a foretaste of the Kingdom of God, where wholeness and freedom prevail.

Model of Missionary Outreach

Jesus’ outreach in Decapolis serves as a model for missionary work and evangelism. His willingness to go beyond the familiar and engage with diverse cultures challenges Christians to embrace a similar openness in sharing the Gospel. The Decapolis region represents the broader world that Christ calls His followers to reach with the message of hope and redemption.


Decapolis in the Bible is more than just a geographical region; it represents a significant cultural and spiritual landscape where Jesus’ ministry extended beyond the traditional boundaries of Jewish society. The presence and works of Jesus in this region highlight the universal scope of the Gospel and the inclusivity of God’s love. For modern Christians, the story of Decapolis offers lessons on the power of testimony, the importance of outreach, and the boundless nature of God’s compassion and grace. Through Jesus Christ, the light of salvation shines brightly for all, fulfilling ancient prophecies and transforming lives across all nations and cultures.

Where was Decapolis in the Bible?

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