
Who Was Dibri in the Bible?

Dibri is a figure briefly mentioned in the Bible, specifically in Leviticus 24:11. He lived during the time of the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt and their subsequent wanderings in the wilderness. The name Dibri (Hebrew: דִּבְרִי) is associated with the tribe of Dan, one of the twelve tribes of Israel. The Bible does not provide extensive information about Dibri beyond his lineage and a specific incident involving his family.

The Incident of Blasphemy

In Leviticus 24:11, Dibri is identified as the father of Shelomith, who was the mother of an unnamed Israelite man. This man became infamous for committing blasphemy against the Name of God, a serious offense in Israelite law. The verse reads: “The son of the Israelite woman blasphemed the Name with a curse; so they brought him to Moses. (His mother’s name was Shelomith, the daughter of Dibri, of the tribe of Dan.)”

This incident is noteworthy because it led to a public trial and a reaffirmation of the laws concerning blasphemy. The blasphemer was brought before Moses and the assembly, where he was placed in custody until God’s will was made clear. The judgment, as delivered by Moses, was that the blasphemer should be stoned to death by the community, emphasizing the seriousness of the offense (Leviticus 24:13-16). This harsh penalty underscored the sanctity of God’s name and the seriousness with which the Israelites were to uphold the covenant.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The Sanctity of God’s Name

The story of Dibri, though his role is indirect, highlights the importance of respecting the sanctity of God’s name. The severe punishment meted out for blasphemy illustrates how seriously the Israelites were to regard the name of the Lord. For modern Christians, this serves as a reminder of the importance of reverence in speech and action. The Third Commandment, “You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain,” (Exodus 20:7) still holds significant moral and spiritual weight, emphasizing the need for respect and honor in how we speak about and to God.

Accountability Within the Community

The public nature of the trial and the involvement of the entire community in carrying out the sentence on the blasphemer demonstrate a collective responsibility to uphold God’s laws. This sense of community accountability is an important principle for modern believers. It suggests that faith communities should support and uphold moral and ethical standards, holding each other accountable in love and truth. This accountability helps maintain the integrity of the community and ensures that the principles of the faith are respected and practiced.

Connection to a Loving God

The Justice and Mercy of God

While the punishment for blasphemy was severe, it is essential to view this within the broader context of God’s justice and mercy. The laws given to the Israelites were meant to set them apart as a holy people, reflecting God’s holiness. The severity of the punishment for blasphemy underlines the importance of holiness and the seriousness of sin. However, throughout the Bible, we also see God’s mercy and willingness to forgive those who repent. This balance between justice and mercy is a recurring theme and reflects God’s character.

The Role of the Law

The incident involving Dibri’s grandson serves as a case study in the application of the Law. The Law was given to guide the Israelites in living lives that honored God and were set apart from the surrounding nations. It provided a framework for justice and righteousness, highlighting the high standards God set for His people. For modern Christians, the Law reveals God’s standards and the seriousness of sin, even as it points forward to the need for a Savior who perfectly fulfills the Law.

Connection to Jesus Christ

The Fulfillment of the Law in Christ

The incident involving Dibri’s family points to the larger biblical narrative of sin, justice, and the need for atonement. Jesus Christ, who is seen in Christian theology as the fulfillment of the Law, provides the ultimate atonement for sin. In Christ, the demands of justice are met, and the mercy of God is extended to all who believe. Jesus’ teachings emphasized the spirit of the Law, focusing on love, forgiveness, and internal purity rather than mere external adherence.

A New Covenant of Grace

Through Jesus, a new covenant of grace is established, where forgiveness and restoration are offered to all who repent and believe. This new covenant transforms the understanding of God’s justice and mercy, offering a pathway to reconciliation and eternal life. The incident with Dibri’s grandson underscores the weight of sin and the seriousness of God’s commands, while Jesus’ life and sacrifice demonstrate the depth of God’s love and the offer of grace.


Dibri, though mentioned only briefly in the Bible, is part of a significant narrative that underscores the importance of reverence for God’s name, community accountability, and the serious consequences of sin. His mention in Leviticus 24:11, in the context of a grave incident involving blasphemy, serves as a reminder of the holiness God requires from His people and the seriousness with which the community was to uphold God’s standards.

For modern Christians, the lessons drawn from Dibri’s story and the surrounding events highlight the need for respect for God’s name, the importance of community accountability, and the balance of justice and mercy in God’s character. These themes point forward to the fulfillment of the Law in Jesus Christ, who offers forgiveness and grace, transforming the way believers relate to God’s standards and the broader community of faith. Through Christ, believers are called to a life of holiness, reverence, and grace, reflecting the character of God in a world that often disregards these values.

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